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Psychic Deck- Needs serious help

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I was looking through the new Duelist Genesis cards that are coming soon. I saw the new psychic type, and I kinda like them. So I thought I would make a deck for them. I know it's too big and needs to be trimmed, and that's one reason I'm posting it. Fixes would be appreciated. I got the card's names and effects from here, so please tell me if they're wrong.




Monsters: 22

3 Mental Master

3 Cabalist

2 Clevonce

3 Mental Protector

3 Psycho Commander

2 Psycho Whorled

3 Teleki-Attacker

2 Distractor

1 Sangan


Spells: 16

2 Domino

3 Psychic Break

2 Psychic Impulse

3 Urgent Teleport

1 Heavy Storm

2 Lightning Vortex

1 Premature Burial

1 Monster Reborn (If it's not banned)



Traps: 11

2 Guard Block

2 Trigger of Tragedy

1 Synchro Reflect

3 Psycho Charge

1 Psycho Healing

2 Browning Power


Total: 49 (Please help trim!!)


This is just a basic layout that I came up with in a few minutes. It's about 5:00 a.m, and I'm pretty tired so this isn't the best deck in the world. So.....help?

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