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Defiance of Logic

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A bunch of random cards I threw together because I was bored.


Coin at the Bottom of the Jar

Normal Spell Card

Activate only while you have 2 or more cards in your hand. Your opponent selects 1 card in your hand. Show the card to your opponent, and if the selected card is a Spell Card, your opponent draws 1 card from their deck. If the selected card was a Trap Card, draw 2 cards and reveal the drawn cards to your opponent.


Fortune Coin

Normal Trap Card

Flip a coin. If heads, draw 1 card. If tails, your opponent draws and reveals 1 card from the top of their deck. If the card was a Spell Card, your opponent takes 1000 damage.


Obelisk of Fortune

Normal Trap Card

Activate only when a player draws a card outside of their Draw Phase. Select and activate one of the following effects:

-Draw 1 card.

-Activate only if the player who drew the card was your opponent. Draw 2 cards.

-Shuffle 2 cards in a player's Graveyard into their deck.


Brass Key

Normal Spell Card

Your opponent selects 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card on your side of the field and it is revealed. Then, depending on what the card was, activate one of the following effects:

Spell Card- Draw 1 card.

Trap Card- Your opponent draws 1 card.


Ruby Fang

Normal Spell Card

Discard 1 monster in your hand to your opponent. Your opponent must discard a card with a Level equal to or lower than the selected card (Spells and Trap Cards count as Level 0), or you draw 2 cards from your deck.


Golden Golem


When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, draw and reveal the top card of your deck. If the drawn card was a Monster Card, you may discard a card from your hand and both players draw 1 card from their decks.


Golden Snake


When this card is destroyed as a result of battle and sent to the Graveyard, send the top 4 cards of your opponent's deck to the Graveyard. If one of the cards sent to the Graveyard by this effect was a Spell Card, you may discard a card from your hand to send an addition 2 cards from the top of their deck to the Graveyard.


Diamond Statue


When this card is attacked and flipped face-up, send the top card of your opponent's deck to the Graveyard. If this card is destroyed by the effect of an Effect Monster, the controller of this card may discard 2 cards from their hand to draw 1 card from their deck.

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