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"The Usual" shop ~~ I NOW DO SIGS ~~


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What new things you can bring:Wonder mail for pokemon mystery dungeon blue and darkness for example how to face girathinaand heatren ETC

Why you want to work here:Because i can get more experience(ive never been in a shop be fore) oh yeah and here are the wondr mails you can chose:

100 Rescue Point arrest.

1000 Rescue Point arrest.

1300 Rescue Point arrest (Harder)

Brown Gummi Steam Cave 6F (50)

Dragonite Joins the Team

Enigma Part

Friend Bow

Garchomp recruitment

Get a Golden Apple.

Get the Golden Chamber of Hidden Land.

Glailie recruitment

Landslide Cave

Leafeon recruitment Serenity River B4F

Lost Wilderness

Lush Prairie

Mt Mistral

Oran Forest

Piplup (female)

Recruit Dratini

Recruit eevee

Recruit Totodile

Recruits Charmander


Secret Stoneplate

Serenity River

Shimmer Hill.


Staraptor Joins the Team

Tyranitar Joins the Team

Unlock Happy Outlook

Unlock Midnight Forest

Unlock Serenity River & Tyranitar

Unlocks a Rank D "Arrest Venomoth" mission in the Beach Cave that has the Golden Mask as a reward.

Unlocks Bottomless Sea Boss: Kyogre Reward: Water Harmonica (Increases recruit rate for Water type Pokemon)

Unlocks Giant Volcano Boss: Heatran Reward: Frie Drum (Increase recruit rate for Fire type Pokemon)

Unlocks Maze Cave Boss: Gabite Reward: Gabite's Scale

Unlocks Mt. Avalanche Cave Boss: Articuno Reward: Ice Flute (Increase recruit rate for Ice type Pokemon)

Unlocks Mysterious Jungle. Boss: Mew. Reward: Grass Trumpet (Increases recruit rate for Grass type Pokemon)

Unlocks Shimmering Desert. Boss: Groudon. Reward: Earth Cymbal (Increases recruit rate for Ground type Pokemon)

Unlocks Sky Stairs. Boss: Rayquaza. Reward: Flying Pianaca (Increases recruit rate for Flying type Pokemon)

Unlocks The Great Hole Boss: Giratina Reward: Rock Megaphone - (Increases Recruit Rate for Rock Pokémon)

Unlocks the misson for the Mystery Part

Unlocks Tiny Meadow

Vanish Seed + ? Crystal Cave B8F (200)

Weavile (female) recruitment

Oh yeah and 25 points for each wonder mail.....

and i will be offline for the next tuesday-thursday if im accepted....

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Bump. Do you still need it or you cancel order? You'll have to wait til' tomorrow.


I still want it, but I am prepared to wait as long as you want as long as I still get it :)

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