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"The Usual" shop ~~ I NOW DO SIGS ~~


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Chaos Knight: Chaos warrior

Shadow Knight: http://-necrosis-.deviantart.com/art/Shadow-Knight-62680536

Nightmare Knight: http://ayramatao.deviantart.com/art/Blessed-my-a-nightmare-81169894



If you want a different pic for 1 of them, just say so.


Price: 6 points.



P.S. Excalibur, I'm starting recolors now so wait about a half hour. I'm actually having a problem with them too >.>


I'm doing card 3 later, my hands are tired. And your order is free, don't forget.


EDIT: Done!! Enjoy~


[spoiler=Card 1] o70sxk.jpg


[spoiler=Card 2] zmhwd3.jpg


[spoiler=Card 3] 25qyjc6.jpg


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Ok, please don't tell me I have to do it again after this...


[spoiler= ]33oqoes.jpg



D.D. Warrior wait about 5 mins.




[spoiler=D.D. Warrior's card]r79k09.jpg





^^^^ That's Broly code




^^^^ That's Pack Dragon code


D.D. 2 points, MCII 5 points

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