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Tourney Report #01: Bringing Back the Turbo Mill

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I ran the deck in my signature, the speed mill deck, at a local tourney on Sunday, July 27th. I am interested to see what you guys think of the decks I run and how they compare, so I'm considering writing up tourney reports weekly, if anyone's interested. I'll probably put them on a blog-styled site, but if i'm allowed, I'll put it here, if you want me to. I build alot of random decks. :) This showing wasn't as good as I wanted, but atleast I lost to the right people. :)


Round 1: Kenneth (Gladiator) 0-2.

Game 1, I never drew a single Appropriate (cruel, cruel fate) and in Game 2, the only S/Ts in my starting hand were 1x Cup of Ace and 1x Gift of Greed, and I got hit by an absolutely amazing turn two Heraklinos. (Reinforcement, Prisma, drop Bestiari, Hand Destruction, discard Laquari, Test Tiger, Darius, Revive Bestiari, Contact Fuse, Attack, Break Contact, Darius and Hoplomus, revive Laquari, Contact Fuse, instant Heraklinos.) So Yeah. He gets his 2-0.


Round 2: The Mexican (Macro-Control) 2-0.

Game 1, I had the hand of the gods: 2x Fake Trap, 2x Gift of Greed, 1x Appropriate, 1x Destiny Hero - Defender. Game 2, he Solemned twice while I had a set Des Koala on the field. Practically handed it to me. :)


Round 3: Joseph (Gadget-Oppression with weird Side deck) 2-1.

Game 1, I won on turn 3. Instant Deck Out. Game 2, he used Prohibition on Card Destruction (the card that beat him game 1) and used Oppression when I tried to Special Summon Kuraz. Game 3 got down to time; we both had 6800 Life Points, and he revived my Kuraz (knowing I could not afford to pay 800), destroying my only 2 face-down Spell and Trap cards, then tributed for his Caius, removing himself.


Round 4: Small White Boy (Maticore-Exodia OTK) 2-0

I got ridiculously lucky against this kid, no lie. I didn't expect ANYONE to run Exodia. God, I was pissed when I saw this kid... anyway, Game 1, He decked out; we were both using Appropriate, and while his was active, I Card D'ed two Exodia pieces and linked out Appropriate 'till he decked out. Game 2, I used Dark Designator on Exodia the Forbidden One when he only had 1 card in hand, then used Hand Destruction to start the deck-out combo. In the end, he still had 3 cards in deck, but I was able to set A Gift of Greed and Reborn a Defense Position Defender before I ended my turn. :)


Round 5: Steven (Dark Armed D-Hero) 2-0

Game 1, Kuraz stomped him dead. Game 2, he Solemned A Kuraz early, then Solemned Gravity Bind, ran into Marshmallon, then got smashed directly Jujitsu Master.


{At this point, the top 4 has 3 members already: Kenneth, Joseph, and Carlos (Anti-Meta Rat Toolbox). Myself and my best friend/teammate Justin, who's piloting a Des Frog OTK I built for him, are technically tied for 4th. We opt to play for the spot.}


Round 6: Justin (Croaking Turbo) 1-2

Game 1, I crashed and burned beneath the might of Unifrog. Game 2, I drew Deck Lockdown starting hand, and tore him up while locking him down. Game 3, my opening was appropriate, 2x fake trap, and a set monster. He followed up with Summoning a face-up, Star Boy, flipping up Substitoad, dropping the Star Boy for Treeborn, reviving the dead one with reborn, Rropping them ALL for 3 Des Frog, using Croaking, Pre'ed Star Boy, attacking directly, and using his set limit reverse to revive Substitoad, going through the whole damn deck with Poison Draw Frog until he drew a Poison of the Old Man and just roped me. (What an amazing effing hand, right?)


He lost to Joseph in the next game, making the top 2 Gladiator and Gadget at a very diverse tournament. What a shame.


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