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Oppression Monarchs for SJC Baltimore

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2x PMD

2x Thesty

2x Caius

1x Raiza


2x Cyber Valley

2x GK Spy

2x Dekoichi

2x Mask of Darkness

2x LJM

1x Sangan

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Treeborn Frog



3x Soul Exchange

2x Book of Moon

2x Allure

1x MST

1x B-Con



3x Reckless Greed

3x Royal Oppression

2x Solemn

1x TT

1x Dustshoot

1x Mirror



1x EHERO Grand Neos

1x Charubin the Fire Knight

1x N-S Marine Dolphin

1x N-S Twinkle Moss

1x Mokey Mokey King

1x GB Gaiodiaz


I might be getting 2 Oppressions and a LJM in a trade, so i was thinking of running something like this for SJC Baltimore. The only problem is getting Spies and Allures now. Locals has both for sale. If I sell off my BEWD I should have enough for the Allure there. So, thoughts?

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Guard is only good with CCV, I don't have CCV.


I only have 2 Solemns sadly, and it works with 2.


Mind Crush is meh, I like Dustshoot because it can freeze your opponent.


I'd rather add in Caius because Caius usually has a good target 90% of the time.

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loose the flips ffs


econ shenanigans during the standby phase with frog is nice along with cyber valley


add moar tech maybe use grand mole cos tht is amazing tech


disk commander and limit reverse for draws and you can also bring back moley with it


at least this way flips arnt a problem

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loose the flips ffs

I used to have respect for you' date=' now I don't thanks to this comment.



econ shenanigans during the standby phase with frog is nice along with cyber valley

Book>E-Con. E-Con would only be used as a counter to GB.


add moar tech maybe use grand mole cos tht is amazing tech

He's only good against Monarchs, I'm siding him when I get one.


disk commander and limit reverse for draws and you can also bring back moley with it

Oppression says hi.


at least this way flips arnt a problem





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I'm running Monarchs, I can easily signal LJM to stave off attackers. I can signal Morphing Jar even though I'm not running one. I have PMD to protect against destruction. Which means there's a good chance Flips will get attacked and i get effect, or they ignore it and I get to flip and trib.

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