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[DISC] Crystal Beast: Saphhire Pegasus

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To me this is the heart of my Crystal Beast Deck. I usually Summon this guy then get another Pegasus into my S/T zone. Yesterday when I was Duelling I managed to Reborn Pegasus just for fun :P 1800 ATK makes a good starting monster as well. Discussion open[/align]

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True. What I love about most of the CB's as well is the fact that they are not truly destroyed they usually go to the S/T Zone unless Removed of course. Most of my Openers is usually Pegasus with a Cat or another Pegasus put into the S/T Zone.

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What I love about them is they search the deck and swarm. I normally play them with a big deck. Anyways, I love Saphhire Pegasus. Even though I only have one, it is the card the comes out the most and helps me win almost every duel. And, like you said, 1800 ATK isn't bad either.

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