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Your TAEV wishlist?

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Lmao. I am serious. Rainbow is not good.


I'll take that as a "not that good"


But saying that it's not remotely good is a little overboard.


I think I made a pretty awesome deck.

Sure it has some rough spots, but it wouldn't work like it does without the Dragon in there.

... Although I may want to add a baboon or something in there.

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I'm gonna make a gemini deck. I have one holo gemini' date=' blazewing butterfly, and a rare, phantom dragonray



Same here, I've been researching cards to use with them like Justi-Break and stuff like that, I was thinking of rebuilding my charmer deck with them and see how that goes...

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Yea. I kinda did that already. The only problem is, i only have 3 gemini monsters. I have an awesome one tho called Phantom Dragonray Bronto...Its really cool.

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dragonfly XD. I like grasschopper and chitonian emperor dragon.

but in GLAS there are two new ALIEN GEMINI! I really wanna get them, and that piper guy.

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[align=center]well the deck is using the crystal beast's effects as continual spell cards to help hamon out so?


And do you know where I can find out all of the effects and stuff of the TAEV cards in english?

I've searched around on google but can't find anywhere?[/align]

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I was supposed to go' date=' but my friend's house got burgled the night before so we had to cancel. We're gonna get a deck box instead, guaranteed a Rainbow Dragon from that...



Not exactly. I don't think the regular is out yet, but as for the ghost, it only appears once every 5 to 10 boxes.


And rscrash, yugioh.wikia.com

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I was supposed to go' date=' but my friend's house got burgled the night before so we had to cancel. We're gonna get a deck box instead, guaranteed a Rainbow Dragon from that...



Not exactly. I don't think the regular is out yet, but as for the ghost, it only appears once every 5 to 10 boxes.


And rscrash, yugioh.wikia.com


Yeah, and we get about 50 packs in a box, it's gonna be hell saving up since I have to scavenge money from my house...It's only £12 I need and I'm never gonna get it...

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[align=center]well, lucky me seems as my godfather and his family came over to stay and they gave me my VERY LATE birthday present of £60.

And I just got £20 from my dad for keeping my godfather's retard son away and keeping him pre-occupied, which mainly meant to let him on my laptop and make cards, which by the way were absolute crap, some of you might remember that Star Wars cards thread.


Anyway, does anyone know if Rainbow Dragon would be good in my Hamon/Crystal Beast deck which uses the crystal beast's effects to summon hamon?[/align]

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