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I'm a huge fan of adam corns deck and I am trying to twik it and custimize it and make it better to suit me. Please do not suggest Crush card virus or Dark armned dragon. I have neither.




2x Prime material dragon

3x Caius the Shadow Monarch

2x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

2x Gravekeeper's Guard

2x Mask of Darkness

1x Sangan

1x Night Assailant

3x LJM




3x Soul Exchange

2x Book of Moon

2x Allure of darkness

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST

1x Monster reborn




1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute

3x Recklass Greed

3x Bottomless Trap Hole

3x Solmn Judgment

3x Royal Oppression



Fusion deck:

1x GB Gyzarus

1x Sanwitch


Side deck:


3x Pulling the rug

1x Prime material dragon

1x Trap dust shoot

1x Mind crush

3x D.D crow

1x Asura Prist (Deal with LADD)

1x Transmirgration Prophecy

1x Grave keepers Guard

3x Karma Cut


Does the side need anything else?

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They attack into guard....next turn summon a cyber valley.....draw 2. Also It is ok against GB and can pull solmns or other stuff I need back. Also if I can borrow my friends ccv then cyber valley definatly is good. I feel like 3 is too much and 1 is just for the tech.

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I was also thinking of taking out heavy storm and MST for 2 dust tornados to help with solmn judments and other threats like other dust tornados. Plus there usefull to use the second effect to but Im not shure, What is everyons opinion on those changes? I whant to fit dust tornados in here somehow though.

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3x Pulling the rug

1x Prime material dragon

3x Prohibition

3x D.D crow

1x Asura Prist (Deal with LADD)

1x Transmirgration Prophecy

3x Karma Cut


I think this would be better. Trap Dustshoot should be maindecked, and without Trap Dustshoot, Mindcrush gets hurt. I don't think Guard is a good side choice. Prohibition is always a good side choice.

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