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Splices and Recolors for everyone

E hero sparky man

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Hi, everybody. This is my first shop ever. I will make splices and recolors for everyone. just send in your requests. the max. I will combine for splices is 6.

splice sheets: 50 points

recolor sheet; 30 POINTS

SEP. SPLICE; 5 points each

sep recolors; 3 points each


sheets normally consist of 10 to 20 each.

happy shoping:D





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please do not bump one month old threads even though you have been banned for a month,im pretty sure you can't do that,and if your going to add the new prices,your supposed to add it up there because not a lot of people would read the 3rd post and will pay you the wrong price,and i think some other stores sell splice for a lot less,since even 1 splice is 5 ponits and 5 pokemon splice is still 5 points.and wouldn't it be better to buy them all speratly since most people just use it to show-off.

and don't double post,don't know why this post got past the Double Post merger.

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