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LV 5,7,10,12 card contest


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Price: 25 points

What do you have to do:Create a complete LV-card set (example:Armed dragon LV 5,7,10,12)

Note:The LV-card set must be 1 monster in the LV 5,7,10 and 12 version




Note 2:The first one who posts his LV-card set can be the winner, but also not, i mean that the first with a good card(good graphics, good name, original, good effect (not necessary) )

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hope this is ok



This card cannot be Special Summoned.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your turn,Tails:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your opponents turn.Whenever you or opponent activates a Spell or Trap card put one LV Counter on this card.Tribute this card with 3 LV Counters on to Special Summon from your Hand or Deck a 'Divine Swordsman LV 3' to the field in Attack poisition.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.If This card was Special Summoned by the Effect of 'Divine Swordsman LV1' increase this cards ATK and DEF by 300.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your turn,Tails:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your opponents turn.Whenever you or your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card place one LV Counter on this card,Tribute this face up card with 5 LV Counters on to Special Summon one 'Divine Swordsman LV 5' from your hand or deck to field in ATK position.



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.If This card was Special Summoned by the Effect of 'Divine Swordsman LV 3' increase this cards ATK and DEF by 300.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your turn,Tails:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your opponents turn.Whenever you or your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card place one LV Counter on this card,Tribute this face up card with 7 LV Counters on to Special Summon one 'Divine Swordsman LV 7' from your hand or deck to field in ATK position.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.If This card was Special Summoned by the Effect of 'Divine Swordsman LV 5' increase this cards ATK and DEF by 1500 when this card battles with a monster whos ATK points are greater than 3000.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:this card is unnafeced by Spell and Trap Cards during your turn,Tails:This card is unnafected by Spell and Trap cards during your opponents turn.Whenever you or your opponent activates a Spell,Trap or activates a monster effect place one LV Counter on this card,Tribute this face up card with 10 LV Counters on to Special Summon one 'Divine Swordsman LV 10' from your hand or deck to field in ATK position.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set,this card can only be special summoned by the effect of 'Divine swordsman LV 7.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:This card Attack all monsters on your opponents side of the field once each and is switched to defence mode during the end phase,Tails:During your opponents turn this cards ATK points are reduced by 2000.If this card was sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle you may select one 'Divine Swordsman' monster in your deck,then send cards from your hand and field equal to the the level of the selected card,you may then special summon that monster to your side of the field in defence mode.

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hope this is ok



This card cannot be Special Summoned.When this card is Summoned flip a coin' date='if Heads:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your turn,Tails:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your opponents turn.Whenever you or opponent activates a Spell or Trap card put one LV Counter on this card.Tribute this card with 3 LV Counters on to Special Summon from your Hand or Deck a 'Divine Swordsman LV 3' to the field in Attack poisition.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.If This card was Special Summoned by the Effect of 'Divine Swordsman LV1' increase this cards ATK and DEF by 300.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your turn,Tails:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your opponents turn.Whenever you or your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card place one LV Counter on this card,Tribute this face up card with 5 LV Counters on to Special Summon one 'Divine Swordsman LV 5' from your hand or deck to field in ATK position.



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.If This card was Special Summoned by the Effect of 'Divine Swordsman LV 3' increase this cards ATK and DEF by 300.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your turn,Tails:This cards Atk and DEF is doubled when this card battles with an opponents monster on your opponents turn.Whenever you or your opponent activates a Spell or Trap card place one LV Counter on this card,Tribute this face up card with 7 LV Counters on to Special Summon one 'Divine Swordsman LV 7' from your hand or deck to field in ATK position.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set.If This card was Special Summoned by the Effect of 'Divine Swordsman LV 5' increase this cards ATK and DEF by 1500 when this card battles with a monster whos ATK points are greater than 3000.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:this card is unnafeced by Spell and Trap Cards during your turn,Tails:This card is unnafected by Spell and Trap cards during your opponents turn.Whenever you or your opponent activates a Spell,Trap or activates a monster effect place one LV Counter on this card,Tribute this face up card with 10 LV Counters on to Special Summon one 'Divine Swordsman LV 10' from your hand or deck to field in ATK position.


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set,this card can only be special summoned by the effect of 'Divine swordsman LV 7.When this card is Summoned flip a coin,if Heads:This card Attack all monsters on your opponents side of the field once each and is switched to defence mode during the end phase,Tails:During your opponents turn this cards ATK points are reduced by 2000.If this card was sent to the Graveyard as a result of battle you may select one 'Divine Swordsman' monster in your deck,then send cards from your hand and field equal to the the level of the selected card,you may then special summon that monster to your side of the field in defence mode.



Your LV2 has some picture error's (image is not that good)


Your LV5 & 10 aren't in color, which will not give you much points for the image


now your score:



graphics (picture):7.1/10

langue: not offensive=10/10 no grammer mistakes=10/10


COMMENT:Good job!

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does it have to be LV 5' date='7,10 and 12

because i have 1 LV set that is LV1,3,5,7 and 10



If you want, i give everyone the permission to post a LV1, but it's not needed to win the contest that most (your LV1 makes chances on a higher graphics ranking)

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My cards:












((images taken from Deviantart.com and are credited to their respective arsists))


Good images!


now your score:



graphics (picture):10/10

langue: not offensive=10/10 no grammer mistakes=10/10


COMMENT:The best TOTAL,originality,evolutions and graphics score since this contest has started!Good job!

You might win the contest!


Message for everyone:The constest ends in 6 days, so make your cards so i can give them points!

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