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You spelled opponents wrong. Your OCG's a little off in some places. "There" in Entai's effect should be "their". Attributes are supposed to be typed in uppercase (i.e. FIRE monsters) and not in quotes (i.e. "Fire" monsters").


Entai Effect Reword:


When this card is Normal Summoned successfully to the field, increase the ATK of all FIRE monsters by 400 and your opponent randomly selects and discards one card from their hand.


Mewtwo Reword:


Once per turn by paying 700 Life Points, you may take control of one of your opponent's monsters. If either you or your opponent controls a "Mew", increase this card's ATK by 300.


Keep at it and polish up your OCG, pics could have been more wisely chosen. Try not getting ones with blank backgrounds or people's names, signatures, or links in them. Other than that the cards seem fine and fairly balanced.

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