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Skull Servant Deck


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Here's my attempt at a SS Deck.


Skull Servant OTK Deck x40


Monsters x20

3|King of the Skull Servants

3|Skull Servant

3|The Lady in Wight

3|Elemental Hero Prisma

3|Zombie Master

3|Pyramid Turtle

1|Snipe Hunter

1|Morphing Jar


Spells x15

3|Card of Safe Return

3|Hand Destruction

2|Opti-Camaflauge Armor

2|Allure of Darkness

2|Foolish Burial

1|Card Destruction

1|Premature Burial

1|Monster Reborn



Traps x5

3|Solemn Judgment

1|Torrential Tribute

1|Mirror Force



Fusions x1

1|Flame Ghost



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While prisma is generally better than armageddon knight, in this case it can ONLY target skull servant, but armageddon knight can target either skull, king, or lady in wight, so I'd be inclined to play those instead. Also stops opponents using your prisma to their advantage.


You could play dark grepher but that might bring up some hand advantage issues...

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Nice to see others trying to make Skull Servant Decks:D I have one my self too... I suggest taking out the hand destructions for Lightning Vortex or Raigeki Break. Lightning Vortex will not become a disadvantage and Raigeki Break can take out face down cards for your final attack. You can also try Broken Blocker to get more Pyramid Turtles or Lady in Wights. Another good card to have is Burial From Another Demension, with all the Caius out there, it will come in lots of handy:) Oh and as said earlier Armaggedon Knight > Prisma. Ryu Kokki and Vampire Lord may help to keep the field under controll and protect the King from Smashing Ground or Fissure.

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#1I suggest taking out the hand destructions for Lightning Vortex or Raigeki Break


#2You can also try Broken Blocker to get more Pyramid Turtles or Lady in Wights


#3Another good card to have is Burial From Another Demension' date=' with all the Caius out there, it will come in lots of handy:)[/b']


#4Ryu Kokki and Vampire Lord may help to keep the field under controll and protect the King from Smashing Ground or Fissure.


#1: The Deck Needs Draw Power

#2: Too Situational

#3: Not Needed

#4: King has highest ATK and lowest DEF, Smashing and Fissure can't touch him, also, WTF?

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#1I suggest taking out the hand destructions for Lightning Vortex or Raigeki Break


#2You can also try Broken Blocker to get more Pyramid Turtles or Lady in Wights


#3Another good card to have is Burial From Another Demension' date=' with all the Caius out there, it will come in lots of handy:)[/b']


#4Ryu Kokki and Vampire Lord may help to keep the field under controll and protect the King from Smashing Ground or Fissure.


#1: Hand Destruction helps getting Skulls in the Grave while discarding important cards in the opponent's hand. Draw power, also.


#2: No. Just no.


#3: It's a thought. I have to remove Skulls from play if my King is destroyed. Allure also. I'll think about it.


#4: Read Fh-Fh's #4.

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