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「EDIT 2」It's a Jar Loop!

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I think everyone remembers the Jar Loop from a while back, and how there was a sudden surge of these decks. I decided to take a different approach from the usual Stalling strategy.


The probabilities work out that I should get these draw Spells in my opening hand. I'll keep on drawing with my draw cards until reach Double Summon, and set my two monsters with an AOA, or Set one, and then Foolish/Shallow into the next monster. From there, I just wait to trigger the loop.


I was thinking that Book of Taiyou might work in here, but I'm not sure what to take out, so that would be a great help.


Serious comments, please.


JAR #2 // Format: 09 – 05 – 2008 ADV // Last Update: 30 – 07 – 2008

[spoiler=DECK LIST]

  • MONSTER: 4 Cards

    • 3 Morphing Jar #2
      1 Poison Mummy

SPELL: 24 Cards

  • 1 Card Destruction
    3 Dark World Dealings
    3 Double Summon
    3 Dragged Down into the Grave
    2 Foolish Burial
    3 Hand Destruction
    3 Shallow Grave
    3 Toon Table of Contents
    3 Upstart Goblin

TRAP: 12 Cards

  • 3 All-Out Attacks
    3 Desert Sunlight
    3 Legacy of Yata-Garasu
    3 Reckless Greed

SIDE DECK: 15 Cards

  • 2 D.D. Crow
    3 Divine Wrath
    3 Light Imprisoning Mirror
    3 Needle Worm
    3 Shadow Imprisoning Mirror
    3 Solemn Judgment
    3 Threatening Roar


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What does Foolish Burial Do in this deck? The only time it would be good to activated it is if you already have a Morphing Jar #2 in your hand all other times he is dead in your hand only good for discarding for Hand Destruction or Dark World Dealings. The PRoblem is with these draw Spell Cards is that it gives you a -1 in your hand except for Upstart Goblin. This deck theme realy needs luck.

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You might Want SoRL, WoRL or some T-Roars.

Desert Sunlight would be better than Taiyou here, because if you get AOA and 2 monsters on turn 1, you'd have to Taiyou them without AOA; Sunlight would let you use AOA first, then Sunlight to start the loop when your opponent starts.


Also, maybe instead of Needle Worm, Poison Mummy; then side some Needles, game 2, swap out Mummy for a Worm,. to mess up the opponent if they try to side in anti-burn.

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