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fusionist v2


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redesigned this deck for moar fun.

the new focus of this deck is roughly to manipulate my lifepoints to the point where i can activate self destruct button.

i do maintain the ability to lock down an opponent in terms of monsters, but thats simply for protection~ i need a controlled burn to ween down my lifepoints to where i want them.


also, its the fusionist yo!



3 mystical sheep #2

3 mystical sheep #1

3 petit angel

1 spirit reaper

2 golden ladybug


2 gaia power

3 polymerization

1 level limit area B

2 level limit area A

2 heart of clear water

3 inferno tempest

3 dian keto the cure master


2 destructive draw

1 gravity binds

3 self-destruct buttons

3 metal reflect slime

3 numinous healer


3 fusionist

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kind of, yes.

for those of you who missed my last attempt at designing this, which proved to be self-defeating in that direct attacks reduced my ability to create a 7000 lp difference, the design is essentially a joke deck.

its purpose is to do 2 things:

a) get out the fusionist, easily the most awesome of all fusion monsters

b) commit suicide, forcing your opponent into a draw with a deck that actually uses the fusionist, which is likely one of the silliest and most humiliating things ever.


its built for pure amusement, not to win, but to screw with an opponent.

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"screw with people" has a different meaning than "screws people"

the decks goal is not to win.

its a lulz deck. its made for fun.

i cant believe i actually have to defend the validity of a deck based off the fusionist and self destruct button. simply put there is no validity, no reason, and no chance to win with it.

ive gotta leave this place, everyones so uptight.

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