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The Strange Kids [Based on The Strange Twins]

End Of The Abyss

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This story is off a group of kids with a supernatural power. They have the power to change eachother's gender at will. All they have to do is think it up and they can change genders and clothes of others that posses this power.


[align=center]Joining Requirments


Must have 4 Stars Or More


No Spamming!


No Flamming!


No Pornographic Images![/align]




Also, to read the original story, go here.




[spoiler=Character App.]




Original Gender:

Male Appearence:

Female Appearence:






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can i join


Name: Cameron

Age: 14

Original Gender: Male

Male Appearence:manbyreammarajc5.jpg

Female Appearence: boredbymikeinelpd4.jpg

Personality: Shy,can be perverted at times, compleatly random 99.9% of the time likes exsplosives bores easily

Biography: For the past 12 years i have sat at home and gone to schol regularly then 2 years ago he discovered somthing that somthing was that he could turn into a girl and back to a boy many times he confused others and his parentscould never seam to find him hehe and has been acting as a magician for the past two yearswith the very real trick

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Yayzorz! A sort-of-noob I can help with something I can actually do! :)

Kay, first, you have the beginning, the humble sign-up sheet.

Original Gender:
Male Appearence:
Female Appearence:

Firstly, we have the name.


Try to use something that's not too outlandish, but that's not something common, like John Smith. If you're stressing, use something from a TV show or Game or Book, like I do.

Name: Farah Meseta

I'm gonna use this name, as it uses references to both Tales of Eternia and Phantasy Star.


This should be simple, not too old, not too young.

Age: 14

Age 14 as the details specifically indicate kids.

Original Gender: Female

Again, simple.

Male Appearance:
Female Appearance:

Either use a tektek avatar, from [url]tektek.org[/url], where you can create a persona, or use a picture off the internet.

Male Appearance:[url]http://celesse.deviantart.com/art/Male-pin-up-6-64750378[/url]
Female Appearance:[url]http://14thsquadron.deviantart.com/art/Archetype-Female-CQC-55663608[/url]

When using a tektek avatar, use the [img] tags. When using a picture off the internet, as I have done, it is easier to use [url] tags, and put the link within them.


Ah, the long parts. For a personality, my average is about 4 to 5 lines, but just do whatever is long enough for you, but make sure it is not just a list of adjectives, use full sentences, and make sure it is fairly detailed.

Personality: Farah is a kind but devious girl, caring but always willing to cause some harmless mischief. She uses her power dilligently and responsibly, always using it for good. She doesn't like fighting, and likes having the position of peacemaker. When male, she feels strange, but is more confident than when she is female. When embarassed, her face turns pink, and she is normally shy around other people.

This actually feels kind of short for me, but is an average personality.


This [i]should[/i] be the longest part of your sign-up. Make sure it matches your personality, and keep it fairly detailed. Watch for spelling mistakes! My average is about 7 lines.

Bio: Farah, as a child, was always dressed in boys' clothing, as her parents were poor and were expecting a boy instead of a girl. She was always shy, never willing to meet new people, content to stay inside and play. She was introduced to mischief by a son of her mother's friend, and when she was 5, she and he woud play pranks on other people. When she went to school, she did well in her lessons, and still does. She never did make many friends, and was always a shy loner. She would break up fights in the class however, and was respected by most of the class. Now, at 14, she is just discovering her powers, and is determined to use them responsibly. However, true to her nature, she can't help but use them for a little mischief.

This too feels short, hmm. Oh well, now put them together.

Name: Farah Meseta
Age: 14
Original Gender: Female
Male Appearance:[url]http://celesse.deviantart.com/art/Male-pin-up-6-64750378[/url]
Female Appearance:[url]http://14thsquadron.deviantart.com/art/Archetype-Female-CQC-55663608[/url]

Personality: Farah is a kind but devious girl, caring but always willing to cause some harmless mischief. She uses her power dilligently and responsibly, always using it for good. She doesn't like fighting, and likes having the position of peacemaker. When male, she feels strange, but is more confident than when she is female. When embarassed, her face turns pink, and she is normally shy around other people.

Bio: Farah, as a child, was always dressed in boys' clothing, as her parents were poor and were expecting a boy instead of a girl. She was always shy, never willing to meet new people, content to stay inside and play. She was introduced to mischief by a son of her mother's friend, and when she was 5, she and he woud play pranks on other people. When she went to school, she did well in her lessons, and still does. She never did make many friends, and was always a shy loner. She would break up fights in the class however, and was respected by most of the class. Now, at 14, she is just discovering her powers, and is determined to use them responsibly. However, true to her nature, she can't help but use them for a little mischief.

And here you go. Swift, I'm using this as a sign-up. SOS Haruhi, take note and have fun RPing!

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Name: Unknow... AKA FM6

Age: 14

Original Gender: Male

Male Appearence:


Female Appearence:



PERVERTED, Otaku, Intelingent


He discovered his power 1 year ago... He uses his power for everything...

Free Stuff, Enter to girls Bathroom etc.

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