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Light Beatdown ~ Comments Appreciated ^_^

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Monsters: 20


Guardian of Order x2

Vanity's Fiend x3 (Even though it's DARK, it works better for me than Prime Material Dragon)


Blue Thunder T-45 x3

Honest x3

Banisher of the Radiance x3

Dimensional Alchemist x3

D.D Warrior Lady x1

Jain, Lightsworn Paladin x2


Spells: 12


Shrink x3

Monster Reborn x1

Premature Burial x1

Brain Control x1

Smashing Ground x1

Fissure x1

Heavy Storm x1

Giant Trunde x1

Book of Moon x2


Traps: 8


Royal Oppression x2

Solemn Judgment x3

Mirror Force x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Trap Dustshoot x1


Side Deck: 15


Prime Material Dragon x3

Skill Drain x2

D.D. Crow x2

Phoenix Wing Wind Blast x2

Mind Crush x1

Royal Oppression x1

Mask of Restrict x2

Jinzo x2


I would appreciate feedback. ^_^ It works surprisingly well.

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Yeah, it's not the standard "2300 ATK" type of beatdown Deck, but most of these cards are strong enough to destroy most things and have decent effects to take control of the duel.


The Banishers and Fiends provide a control aspect, and the rest are just field presence and attack power with help from Honests and Guardians to take advantage of their Light Attributes.

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I tried Calculators and they just weren't working out to well, I don't like them since they depend on the situation. Cyber Dragons don't work too well here, I can usually maintain a strong field presence and they contradict Oppressions. I'll test Cold Waves, thanks. ^_^

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Post: #1Light deck


2x cyber dragons

1x airknight

1x marshmallon

1x reflect bounder

3x freed the brave wanderer

3x disciple of the forbidden spell

3x the light-hex sealed fusion

3x shinging angles

1x dd warrior lady

2x proto cyber dragon

1x ninja grandmaster sasuke



1x fissure

1x power bond

2x reinforcement of the army

2x shrinks

1 lightinig vortex

1x smashing ground

2x hammer shots

1x nobleman of crossout

1x monster reborn

1x scapegoat

1x brain control

1x mystical space typhoon

1x heavy storm



1x mirror force

1x torrential tribute

1x magic cylinder



3x cyber twin

2x cyber end


this is the deck you should do

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