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Power Pack-Aggro Monarch


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the aim of this deck is to provide lots of monsters to tribute for big bad monarchs,along with a few other surprises.i liek to make my opponent sweat by making him sacrifice his own cards to stop me,like defending myself with grave squirmer.enough talk,lets get down to business:



Kuraz,the Light Monarch

Raiza, " Storm "

Mobius," Frost "

Granmarg," Rock "

Caius, " Shadow "

Zaborg," Thunder "

Evil Hero Malicious Edge

Dark Ruler Ha Des

White-Horned Dragon

Destiny Hero-Dasher


Chainsaw Insect

Dark Valkyria

Dark Valkyria

Blue Thunder T-45

Mirage dragon

Twin-Headed Behemoth

Lucky Pied Piper


Mysterious Puppeteer

Brain Jacker

The Calculator

Grave Squirmer



Swords of Revealing Light

Smashing Ground

Card Trader(ill need to replace that)

Mausoleum of The Emperor

Emergency Provisions

Mystical Space Typhoon

Soul Exchange

Heavy Storm

Monster Gate

Ribbon of Rebirth

Cup of Win-i mean,Ace

Burden of The Mighty



Negate Attack

Sinister Seeds

Magic Cylinder

Ultimate Offering

Magic Jammer

Zoma The Spirit(a personal favorite)

Dust Tornado



Oh, and BTW, this thing came second in a hobby league.try it.youll see.

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Granmarg is bad. Chainsaw Insect is bad. Dark Valkeryia is bad. Frankly, most of the cards in your deck are bad.


You're allowed to use more than one copy of any one card your deck. Look at some of the other Monarch decks in the forum to get an idea of what's good and what's not.

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eh,my style.i like to have lots of different cards in my decks.too little variety means its less flexible,being built for 1 or 2 specific combos.every card in this deck has its merits in some situations,and the variety means i have more options and more ways to counter my opponents moves.i tend to do pretty well with this,except against RFG.i hate RFG.but thats my opinion.you stick to your fancy-shmancy expensive decks,and ill stick to my low budget destroyer of hopes.

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