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Create Tributes for your favorite cards!!! (HURRY!!!! Contest ends within the week!!)

N00B Hunter

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Alright. I doubt any of you know about the "Tribute Edition" cards that I've made -- there's only 2 at the current count -- so for those of you who don't, here's the chance to catch up:


"Tribute Edition" is a custom edition, only on this site. The created card is a tribute to a card that is already in the TCG (or OCG) which has seen much use or has much potential in the metagame TCG metagame. The examples I will show you follow these guidelines.


Your job here is to create a "Tribute Edition" card (meaning you will write "Tribute Edition" in the circulation... without the quotes). The card must be a tribute to a card that has met a lot of use in the metagame. If it isn't, you probably won't win, or get even anywhere close. The spoilers below show 2 examples "Tribute Edition" cards. I'm sorry I didn't make any Spell or Traps to show you, just 2 Effect Monsters:

[spoiler=Pose Idon", tribute to "Ha Des]lastPoseIdon.jpg

The above monster was made as a tribute to this card:


"Ha Des" has met a lot of use in decks because of his amazingly high stats, and also his wonderful lockdown ability.


[spoiler=Paunus Bard", tribute to "Green Baboon]greenbaboon.jpg

The above monster was created for a "Paunus" contest, and is tributed to this card:


A lesser-known card, "Green Baboon" is excellent in the powerful "Baboon Burn Deck", which you can probably look up online. I, myself, am a fan of the deck -- hence the reason I made this card. Please duel "Magicbunny" at gameking.hudzilla.org if you want to witness the power of this deck.




Well, with those pictures in mind, go ahead and post your cards!!

Unlike other people, I'll follow the rules and the entrants to this contest is unlimited. I'll post your names as you sign up.


Oh, and the prizes:

1st Place recieves 3 Reputation Points (RPts.)

2nd Place recieves 2 RPts.

3rd Place recieves 1 Reputation Points (RPt.)

[The above prizes may be diluted or extended at my will and depending on the number of contestants participating in this contest]


Extra Stuff:

I've sent invites to a whole bunch of people. If you recieved the invite (via "pm") then feel free to post. If not, then feel free to post anyway!!

The End Date is August 11th, and I'll not be announcing the "current winners" or anything of the sort.

Good luck with your tributes and may the best man (or woman) win! :mrgreen:


Entrants (this will not be edited for a whole 2 weeks until the contest ends, so don't think I'm leaving you out if your name doesn't appear here... just keeping track of people)(All names are references to the screenames of the users participating, therefore I will not use quotation marks):

1. Wicko

2. Raviel Priest WHYE

3. Wombat

4. Chaos Master Ygo [banned]

5. DonRoyale

6. Destruction10 [banned]


8. Goldshine Dragon

9. jakey252

10. Dark Edo Phoenix

11. Mini Mizer

12. Darkjagwar

13. Chaotic Glider

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so the tribute cards need to be based on a good yugioh card in what way

The correlation between your creation and the original card needs to obvious enough to be detected if the person looks' date=' but should be subtle enough to fool somebody at a quick glance. For instance "Ha Des", is Hades (god of the underworld from I think the Greek mythology). "Pose Idon" is Poseidon, also from the Greek mythology. Besides the name, "Ha Des" can't be Special Summoned from the Graveyard, like "Pose Idon" can't be Special Summoned from the hand or deck. "Ha Des" targets Effect Monsters, while "Pose Idon" targets S & T.


how many cards can we post?

Go ahead and post as many as you think is right. If you're not sure which card between a group of cards is best, post them all and I'll evaluate the one I think best. In other words, it won't hurt you to post more than 1 card... oh, and congratulations on the 555th post.

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"Destruction10" and "「tea.leaf」 ", thank you both for joining! I look forward to your Tribute Edition Cards!


"jakey252", thank you for entering. I will put serious consideration into your "Megaflame Dragon", and feel free to edit your posts, or put up more cards as you wish (that goes for everybody!).

Remember, after today, I will be away until the contest's end, so don't feel left out if I don't say anything.


And one more thing!!!

I'm hoping to make this contest as large as possible, so if you have any friends that you think could make a card for this contest, go ahead and tell them!! Bring everybody in!!! :mrgreen:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took me a while,but I got my entries done with after my "rush hour" season...



This card is a tribute to Saurobeast Brachion,who does really deserve it. However, I feel that he should have one. This version is made to support the Crystal Beasts, who lack a raw power monster.



This card is my tribute to Armed Dragon LV 7 & can be seen as its opposite. Unlike Armed Dragon whose effect can destroy everything, this card can simply weaken a monster.

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Thank you for entering "Doom Wraith", and thanks to both "Chaos Master Ygo" and "Raviel Priest WYHE" for putting your cards in!

I'd like to remind all of you that the cards need to have seen good use in the TCG metagame... "Brachion", "Cuirass", and "Sky Rise" are all on the edge (but then again... so is "Baboon" ^^)


Anyway, I'm still looking for contestants to post their cards, remember that there's only today, tomorrow, and the day after!!

I'll be sending a "pm" to each person who has entered, yet not posted their card... we'll see if that helps.


Thank you all for your input! I look forward to the judging!! :mrgreen:


EDIT: The Date has been extended to August 15th due to the lack of entrees. Please enter your cards soon!! ^^

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Here's my Tribute to Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys. ^_^




You can Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard by Tributing 2 WATER monsters you control. Once per turn during your Standby Phase, destroy any number of Spell or Trap Cards on the field. If you do, your opponent draws cards equal to the number of Spell and Trap Cards you destroyed. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field and Special Summon 2 "Icicle Tokens" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 3/ATK 1000/DEF 1000) to your opponent's side of the field. The "Icicle Tokens" cannot be Tributed except by the effect of a WATER monster. When this card is Summoned, you can destroy 2 Spell or Trap Cards you control to take control of all "Icicle Tokens" your opponent controls. Tribute 1 "Icicle Token" to inflict 1000 damage to your opponent.

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Thank you "Mini Mizer" for your entry! I'll go ahead and add your name to the list of entrants!


"Doom Wraith", thank you for your entry. I like how your card uses multiple versions of Field Control instead of the original "Nephtys", who had only 1.


However, I need to have both of you change your Circulation. Remember, this is a "Tribute Edition" Contest. Therefore your cards must be Tribute Edition. If they are not, you'll lose ratings. So I don't want picture credits in the circulation, and I don't want it blank. I know it irks you to add in circulation, "Doom Wraith", but please try to follow the rules...


So far, I've seen some very good card Tributes! Please make sure to tell as many people as you can about this contest. I think this is a potentially revolutionary idea, and it shouldn't go to waste; thank you all for participating! :mrgreen:

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I'm in



art by eldeivi


card lore:

When this card is Normal Summoned, put 1 Spell Counter on it. Each time your opponent destroys a monster on your side of the field, place 1 Spell Counter on this card. This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for each Spell Counter on it. You can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to select 1 Spell or Trap Card in your Graveyard and add it to your hand. You can remove 3 Spell Counters from this card to select a Spell or Trap Card in your opponent's Graveyard and add it to your hand. You can remove 5 Spell Counters from this card to select 1 Monster Card in your Graveyard and add it to your hand. You can remove 7 Spell Counters from this card to select 1 Monster Card in your opponent's Graveyard and add it to your hand.


based loosely on


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