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PLEASE RATE! My friend's first card!


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This is my friend's first card, so don't diss it or you will all die!

Just kidding!

First, you will go through days of painful, excruciating torture...

Then you will die!

Seriously, I'm just joking!


So please rate it!

















He might make some more so i'll post them up when he does them!



:twisted:!Actually, you will die!:twisted:[/align]

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The effect is worser then you think.

Your opponent haves 5 strong monsters on the field, some with more then 3100 ATK. You attack such a strong monster with this card, activate his effect, destroy the monster you're attacking. Replay occurs, you can attack another monster. Discard 1 card from your hand, Replay. Discard, Replay. Discard, Replay. Discard. Replay. Attack your opponent directly.


So it's overpowered, sorry!




But, nice pics and idea.


But, sad it's overpowered!


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[align=center]NOW YOU DIE!


Only joking!

Yeah, I see what you mean about the effect, he has changed it accordingly and has made a new spell card!


Thanks for speaking what you actually feel though because I hate people who rate them really good like 10/10 when they should be lower.[/align]

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Ogre's effect:

"...one cards..."




He's 7.5 now.


Lightning Clash... definitely overpowered without cost, and what do you mean by random?

RANDOM discarding cards from your Deck....



Your friend could better change the effect like: Shuffle your opponents Deck. Send 5 top cards of your opponents Deck to the Graveyard.

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umm..how 'bout make it a SpecialSummon-only monster? like"this card can't be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can't Special Summoned except by..."well to make more interesting. i dont know..just giving an idea. and for Lightning Clash,,yeah it's overpowered. adding cost to activate the effect maybe good. or lower the effect, not 5 cards but 2..but overall they're good for ur friend's first cards.um 7/10

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I believe he meant face-down attack mode, which is impossible. Probably just a typo.

Also, correct me if i'm wrong, but at the moment the only level 9 monsters are mostly rituals/fusions. However, the Infernal Flame Emperor is a 9 star monster but only requires 2 tributes (not because of any effect, just because it's the rule for 9 star monsters.) The only other normal summoned 9 star monster is Moisture Creature which "can" be summoned with 3 tributes to activate his effect, but he can also be normal summoned with only 2 tributes, just that his effect is wasted. Now.. I'm not a pro at Yu-Gi-Oh! or anything, just did a little research. Hope that helps clear some things up.



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[align=center]well, face down attack mode isn't impossible, it can't be!

Also, I never thought that 9 star or over needed 3 tributes...

it doesn't say it in the rulebook or anything...

but StevenBray said that 9 star or over monsters needed 3 tributes?


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I used to think that' date=' but the last time I read a rule book (it was like a 2 months ago), it said monsters with 9 or more stars need 2 tributes just like level 7 or 8 monsters, unless stated somewhere on the card.


Man, this is getting so off subject, isn't this about the cards?!

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The Names I think aren't that catchy, but I think overall it's quite good.

Though Yugioh is full of some wierd names I tell you, heres some of them:

Mystic Tomato

*Sorry can't remember ,though the name has 7 letter *G*s in it*

The Inexperienced Spy


I've got more though lol


The effects on your freind's cards arequite good so that in my opinion makes it up for the Names.

And the Angel Mammoth is also wierd.


If there is more, I'm sure to raise my rating


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