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What Cards Do You Think Will Be Banned?

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Here's My Opinion.


Banned-Treeborn, Snatch Steal, Catapult Turtle

Limited-Trooper, Magical Scientist, Rainbow Dragon, Breaker The Magical Warrior

Semi-Limited: Sakretsu Armor, Shrink, Widespread Ruin, D.D Warrior Lady

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Here's My Opinion.


Banned-Treeborn' date=' Snatch Steal, Catapult Turtle

Limited-Trooper, Magical Scientist, Rainbow Dragon, Breaker The Magical Warrior

Semi-Limited: Sakretsu Armor, Shrink, Widespread Ruin, D.D Warrior Lady


I too (and I'm sure a lot of other ppl) would like to see Breaker unbanned, but I don't see it happening. However, Shrink being Semi-Limited seems right. I think I'll add it to my list also.

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My predictions:


Banned: Elemental Hero Magma Neos, Venominaga, Treeborn Frog, Future Fusion, Justi-Break...

Limited: Overload Fusion, Breaker, Doomfire, D - Counter, Gene-Warped Warwolf, D.D Crow...

Semi: Limiter Removal, Dreadmaster, Destiny Draw, Tsukuyomi, Pot of Avarice, Rare Value...



These are just cards I think will have a place on the lists but that's just me...

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Here's My Opinion.


Banned-Treeborn' date=' Snatch Steal, Catapult Turtle

Limited-Trooper, Magical Scientist, Rainbow Dragon, Breaker The Magical Warrior

Semi-Limited: Sakretsu Armor, Shrink, Widespread Ruin, D.D Warrior Lady



hey whyd u semi the sak!? i decked 3 of them :?:shock:

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Only someone who doesn't know the metagame will put sakuretsu armor on the list before they ban mirror force. Snatch will definitely be banned, I'd be very surprised if it didn't.


And if dark hole becomes semi-limited, I'll never play this game again. And if it becomes limited, I'm taking a sabbatical. Oh, and, not to mention, if it comes off the list period, I'm knifing myself.


There is no way magical scientist is coming off the list, even to one.


I wouldn't mind seeing trooper get limited or semi-limited, nor D-draw or Malicious.


And as much as I'd like to see cydra or a monarch hit the list, they won't.


Why would ANYONE ban an elemental hero???


And why would someone limit the warwolf???


Dreadmaster on the list??? WHY?!??!?!?


And there is no way that tsukuyomi comes down to two, I wouldn't be surprised if it stayed where it was.


And no one ever feels threatened by a frog. So it's not getting banned.


2 cents. Outta my pocket.

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my only prediction is that Snipe Hunter will be limited. i cant really make any judgement as of now. we'll just have to wait for September 1st.


maybe Snatch Steal will be banned though, cuz whenever i use it, i win the duel, and when its used against me, i lose.

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This is basicaly an opinion, but i think cyber dragon is gonna get a big hit. I even think it will be limited. I also have a gut feeling all Monarchs will be semi limited, and i have a gut feeling raiza and thestalos will be limited. Also, i think Dasher will be limited. Its crazy but if you actualy think of all dasher's posibilites, its quite a powerful card. Not to mention that spell caster comming from tactical, the gemini. The one that special summons fiends once per turn, thats going to lead to a huge exodia out break, it could get as bad as an exodia OTW. (w= win, lol cuz exodia doesnt kill.)

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