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Member Cards


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If You Want One:

1.Post if you want

2.Tell me if you want an effect or not.

3.I Make It.

4.You have it.

5. At least say "thanks" or anything that involves in gratitude.

Those Are the instructions. (Hehe)

Also I am posting the cards separately

Starting off with mine!


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Iwant one!! Name:ShadowshadeNecropower

effect:This card can not be normal summon or set. Only by activating the effect of "Dark Galaxy" can it be normal summomed on to the field. If there are 2 face up Daruko Kings on the field, destroy this card. Increase the attack of this card by 800 for every monster in the graveyard.




Pic: Zombie By Vegas Mike on deviant art.com if you cant find that. something very eerie and creepy looking.


Attribute Dark



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mine is awesome!can i help with the ocg for my card?it shud say:

When this card is sent from the Field to the Graveyard,You may Special Summon 1 "Bob Token"(Warrior-Type/EARTH/Level 3/ATK/1200/DEF/1200) to your side of the Field in Attack Position.

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