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once again tonisanoob has done the impossible and made a horrible theme playable

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No complaints apart from the above ^ ^ ^ Choose either 1 sonic or 1 senju and lose for the 3rd manju. Giant trunade might be helpful if your betting on an otk and you dont wanna fall victim to a nasty backrow. Still, probably the most solid demise build in this format.

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Guest PikaPerson01

How is Demise deck horrible?


And how is this "playable"? Do you even know why it's called a Demise OTK? Like... seriously. You took a borderline unplayable decktype and made it way worse.


Where's Great Maju Gazarett and Megamorph, so it can be an OTK?



lol at not maxing out manju before using senju or sonic.
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i said it was demise turbo not otk, and it is playable :S

i find the tok version to be very lucksackish because you need to get all of the liek 4 components in your and and in the grave and to incorporate megamorph and maju will justgive me a bunch of dead draws

(yes i have tried the otk version)


i find as soon as you get demise out you have won anyway


and i aldready answear the whole manju senju thing but if your going to be that picky...

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