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my monarch deck

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Ryu kokki x2

pyramid turtle x3

hydrogeddon x3

slate warrior

wall of illusion

caius the shadow monarch

d.d. assailant

mobius the frost monarch

d.d. warrior lady

kycoo the ghost destroyer

kuraz the light monarch


exiled force

white-horned dragon





nobleman of crossout

mystical space typhoon


heavy storm

brain control

shield crush

soul exchange

premature burial

swords of revealing light

monster reborn

lighting vortex x2




sakuretsu armor x3

divine wrath

karma cut

black horn of heaven

torrential tribute

zoma the spirit[/b][/font]

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I only have those three and im getting the other monarchs today and when im getting the other monarchs ill put them in my deck to make it a true MONARCH DECK and the only reason i call it a monarch cuz those are the best cards in my deck


This isn't a deck, this is a joke. Scrap it and start over. You've pretty much got no strategy and nothing to work with in this deck. Try again.


~Kenpachi Zaraki

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