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Tuners: Discussion (A topic in 3 parts)

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Guest Chaos Pudding

1. In your opinion, which Tuner(s) is the most splasable?


2. In your opinion, is it favorable to include at least 1 Tuner in every deck, provided that every deck has at least 1 Synchro card?


3. In your opinion, what impact will Tuners and Synchros have on the TCG metagame?

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The most splashable? Kinda hard to say.


X-Saber Airbellum works perfectly with beasts.


Zombiecarrier is insane with zombies.


Copy Plant can basically net you a level 6 or 8 monster with great ease.


Weed has protection if you run other plants.


In other words, the best tuners we have right now aren't truly splashable. Perhaps the few warrior tuners could do since you can fetch them easily with RotA, but none of them are truly worth it.

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1. Zombiecarrier.

2. No. If the Tuner monsters won't help the deck than their is no reason to try to add on. However it might be helpful to still have Synchro monsters in the event you take your opponents Tuners monster.

3. Since the best tuners won't come out in TDGS, I don't think they will make much of an impact.

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