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Here it is. BTW, I'm trying to fit Phantom of Chaos in here so Dark Creator will have a bit more use than just backup, Trade-In food or Allure food. Should I just add Phantom of Chaos or take something out to fit it in.


Monsters: 21


3x Dark Armed Dragon

3x The Dark Creator

1x Darklord Zerato

1x Dark Magician of Chaos

1x Destiny Hero - Plasma

1x Jinzo

3x Destiny Hero - Dasher

2x Prometheus, King of the Shadows

2x Dark Grepher

1x Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

1x Destiny Hero - Disk Commander

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Phantom of Chaos


Spells: 15


2x Allure of Darkness

3x Destiny Draw

3x Trade-In

2x Reinforcement of the Army

1x Monster Reborn

1x Premature Burial

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Heavy Storm

1x Mystical Space Typhoon


Traps: 5


1x Return from the Different Dimension

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgment

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I'm not too sure about dropping 2 Dark Creator. I may end up dropping 1 because Dark Creator is actually playable in this deck and is also another win condition in a way. Special Summon Dark Creator if I have 5 or more monsters in my Graveyard, in this deck all Monsters are DARK. Revive a possible Darklord Zerato or Dark Magician of Chaos or for more hand advantage Disk Commander. I could eliminate all my opponents monsters with Darklord, get a Spell with DMoC or draw 2 cards with Disk Commander. Any removals could possibly turn into return. The previous version of Dark Armed Dragon I posted didnt have the Destiny Draw engine (still had Disk Commander though) and was bad because I filled my Graveyard up too early and couldnt summon Dark Armed Dragon. It was too unbalanced. It had very poor balance. It pretty much relied on me having Dark Armed Dragon, Dark Grepher and any other high level Monster in my opening hand. It was too inconsistent.

I tried this new build which is based it on the multiple draw engines Im testing in my Traditional Format Chaos Deck. It seems to work very effectively. I'll think about the Plasma. I should probably see what everyone else says as well. I still need to fit Phantom of Chaos in here without ruining the build.

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