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Selena 'tribute' card


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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I must.


Vanillas fail. They're just beatsticks. They have no impact on the gameplay, they're just beatsticks. In card making, making normal monsters just proves you were too lazy to give it a decent effect. Hence, this card only shows me that you're lazy. I give it a 0% by default.


And if you dare neg me for that, I'll throw you to the mods.

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Supreme Gamemaster... i find it very rude to disregard the fact that i didn't wnat people dissing the card because it has no effect i did not make it for usability i made it to remember a great artist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

Yeah, well, if you were too lazy to come up with a decent effect, it's more like an insult than a tribute.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I'm not rude, I'm blunt. I, personally, would be insulted if someone decided to make me a 'tribute' card, but were too lazy to make it a playable, let alone interesting, card.

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