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Cyber Elemental Wish (Jaden & Alexis Tribute)


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[align=center]Meh. It's been a while since i've been in Pop Culture. I watched a Episode of GX today and had to make a card with Jaden & Alexis in. Well here you are. :) I think it will make E-Heroes a little more playable and as it effects "Cyber" Monsters you can Get cards like Cyber Dragon out. OCG Advice is more then welcomed.


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This card can only be activated when you have 3 or more cards in your hand. Discard your entire hand to Special Summon 1 monster with "Elemental Hero" or "Cyber" in its name from your Deck to your field in face-up Attack Position. When the monster is removed from the field, draw 2 cards.[/align]

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That's a cute image. I like. This card really would help "Elemental Hero" Decks as well as Alexis' "Cyber Angel" monsters; of course it can also help other "Cyber" monsters. Lemme see if I can correct the OCG (although I could be wrong):


This card can only be activated when you have 3 or more cards in your hand. Discard your entire hand to Special Summon 1 monster with "Elemental Hero" or "Cyber" in its name from your Deck to your field in face-up Attack Position. When the monster is removed from the field, draw 2 cards.


Nice card. I'm gonna give this a 9.6/10. Good job as always! :D

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