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Yubel: Making Rainbows Cool Since 2007.

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-3- Rainbow Dark Dragon

-1- Dark Magician of Chaos

-2- Destiny Hero - Malicious

-3- Jinzo

-1- Caius the Shadow Monarch


-3- Destiny Hero - Fear Monger

-3- Magical Merchant

-3- Mystic Tomato

-3- Armageddon Knight

-3- Dark Grepher

-3- Infernal Dragon

-1- Spirit Reaper

-1- Sangan

-3- D.D. Crow

-1- Snipe Hunter

-1- Morphing Jar

-1- Destiny Hero - Disk Commander




-3- Monster Reincarnation




-1- Return From the Different Dimension


Let me know what you think.


BTW, the title is a reference to the anime, wherein Yubel took over Jesse and made Rainbow Dragon actually useful :P

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Merchant, mill yourself until you draw into Reincarnation. Odds are you go through at least 8.75 cards before you draw into one of the non-monsters in this deck. If they're fortunate enough to have different names, you can pop for RDD immediately. Even if you have no more targets to remove to pump up RDD, you could always just Return for game.


Plus, there's a 1 in 6.66 chance you'll draw one of the non-monsters in the opening hand, making Merchant's average dump 11.33 monsters before a non-monster.


Plus, with some of the cards, you can add to your Graveyard, provide destruction, or thin the deck.



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Your playing the otk way wroung. I don't know the exact engine but this is most definatly not it, the real engine plays phantom of chaos, and reasoning and monster gates with a bunch of monsters that can't be summond. This deck looks like your gonna get too many dead draws.

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It's a different spin on the OTK, that sacrifices competitive edge for originality.


If I were trying to make it competitive, yes, it would have a lot more draw power. It would have the three D-Draw, two Allure, and at least 2 Reasoning.


But this is focused on Merchant. Sure, it's a luck-based deck, but that's the fun of it!

Remember, this game CAN be played for the fun factor, y'know.

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