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Rainbow End Dragon (UPDATED)

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This is my current deck, please rate and comment, also i don't have any other Dark Counter part cards YET.


DarkKnight Parshath

Demise, King Of Armageddon

Caius The Shadow Monarch


The Fiend Megacyber

Dark Magician Of Chaos

Dark Magician

Dark Magician Girl

Despair From The Dark

Neo Spacian Dark Panther

Rainbow Dark Dragon

2x Wall Of Illusion

Obsidian Dragon

Dark Crusader

2x Dark Grepher


Skilled Dark Magician

Pitch-Black Warwolf

Zombyra The Dark

Spirit Reaper

Morphing Jar

Fusilier Dragon, The Dual-Mode Beast

Armageddon Knight



Lightning Vortex

Swords Of Revealing Light


Monster Reincarnation

Card Destruction

End Of The World


Premture Burial

Heavy Storm


Monster Reborn

3x Upstart Goblin

Monster Gate

Cod Wave

Hand Destruction

Cost Down

Dark World Dealings



Magic Cylinder

Escape From The Dark Dimension

Rainbow Life

Torrential Tribute

Return From The Different Dimminsion

Trap Hole

2x Reckless Greed

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then u need to get ur hands on 3 hand destruction an card destuction and arm knight x3 since he is like 1/3 less than grepher max caius,2 jinzo all other dark magic relate things except Dmoc and akira is right if ur tryin zombies and darks get a disk commander 3 zombie world max ryu,get 2 xvampire lords and 2 ryu kokki and 3 book of life an als get a much better trap line-up .... low price 3 bottomless torrentail return

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Try a Merchant variant like I did. It utilizes dumping mass DARKS, drawing into Monster Reincarnation or Return, and utilizes most restricted DARK monsters (since RDD needs 7 DIFFERENT DARK monsters).


Otherwise, you can use a more calculated engine (Destiny Heroes, with 3 Destiny Draw -good luck getting 3 copies of a $70 card, though. :P) that focuses on dumping.


Take after Dark Armed Dragon; run D.D. Crow in threes, Armageddon Knight in threes, and Dark Grepher in threes.


You could try a Dark Dragon build with three Infernal Dragon and Future Fusion for Five Headed Dragon.


It's your choice, but your build just seems stocky and slow.

Then again, it's constructed, not conceptual.

Try conceptual builds, though; it will help you explore possiblities for your cards, and perhaps it will help you realize "Hey, I DO need to be running one or more of that card."

Hell, it helped me...a lot. :)

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I thought the deck was OK ^_^ Just try to have a better theme, you know? :wink: Don't listen to anyone who says you suck or anything like that, just keep trying :D Just tweak the deck some and it should be awesome :) For now, 8.1/10

And this deck could win a local tournament, just depends on who you're playing :P

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