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the deckmaster system (need power ideas)

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I wanted to try making the deck master system, any who wants to help go right ahead.


the rules about the deck master:

the deck master must be a monster card that is in your deck, and you may not place a replacement card in your deck (effectively, this makes your starting deck min. card limit be 39.)

the deckmaster is placed in a deckmaster slot, where it is uneffected by the other player's cards. if the deckmaster is an effect monster you may have ONE monster on the field at a time have its effect placed on that monster instead of the card's normal power if it has one, however the card must meet certain requirements, the monster must match the deckmaster in at least 2 of these 3 ways:

monster type, level, or atribute,

the name, ATK, and DEF of the monster do not change, only the effect. this choice can be changed when a new monster is played that also has the requirements met, however the past monster WILL NOT gain it's own effect back if it has one.


if you do not choose this effect, you may choose any one power for your deckmaster.

if you don't use the effect monster's power, you may take any ONE effect from the following list as long as it meets the requirements for that power.

(still needs to be made.)

these powers can be activated at any time, and may be used at speed level 2, the deckmaster ability can be chained from. you may activate the power during battle declaration, before damage is applied.


the deckmaster is considered to be on the field for its effects, but it can not attack unless placed in a monster card slot, however you may summon your deckmaster at no cost.


when on the field it is treated as a regular monster with a few exceptions,


1) no effect can remove from play the deckmaster but it's own.

2) the deckmaster can not be destoryed if the opposeing monster's ATK EQUALS the deckmaster's (this is to stop "clone cards" from ruining the deckmaster system.)

3) if a spell or effect is used to destory the deckmaster, the player who controls the deckmaster may take it out of play in order to not lose the duel, however the deckmaster may no longer use it's power.

4)if the deckmaster is on the field as a monster it may be tributed for a new monster that takes the deckmaster's place. the deckmaster takes the place of the ENTIRE tribute normaly needed. however the player who tributed their deckmaster may not use any deckmaster effects for the remainder of the duel.

if a deckmaster is tributed via spell by the other player, the player the deckmaster belonged to controls the new monster and is considered the player's new deckmaster, but it has no deckmaster powers.

5)if the deckmaster is destoryed by battle the player the deckmaster belonged to loses the duel. if both deckmasters are destoryed by battling each other, the duel is considered a draw.

6) a deckmaster sent back to the hand or deck is instead sent back into it's deckmaster slot.


if you have anything to say about the system, go right ahead.

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WTF ARE YOU TALKIGN ABOUT!!!!1!!1111!!!!!?


I think He's trying to mix stuff from the Anime into the real world card game.


If anyone here has actually see the Battle City Arc, They may remember Kaiba's "Step-Brother" and the "Virtual World", along with the while dueling system used in it.

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WTF ARE YOU TALKIGN ABOUT!!!!1!!1111!!!!!?


I think He's trying to mix stuff from the Anime into the real world card game.


If anyone here has actually see the Battle City Arc' date=' They may remember Kaiba's "Step-Brother" and the "Virtual World", along with the while dueling system used in it.



thank you, someone who actually knows what I am trying to re-create.


got any ideas?

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deckmasters were good in the anime when they don't realize the existence of Raigeki.


otherwise' date=' a flawed idea with massive removal being so common. :S



thats why the deckmaster has the power to leave the field instead of blowing up, it saves them from losing the duel, however it is the choice of the player to bring the monster to the field and he must face the problems of having such an important card on the field.

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I could say tl;dr and be an E-f@g too' date=' but try and make it less complicated and easier for everyone to understand, maybe even show us some examples?



I'm working on it, and the post may be entirely re-writen to have it better understood when I'm done getting a base guideline for deckmaster powers. i will be playtesting it in about a week at a tourny with anyone who will try, and I think I know a few people who will try it. this is only the begining to creating it and I'm going to refine it and improve it as best as I can.

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if you people don't want to read it, then STOP POSTING THAT. how long would you expect something like this to be? creating something like this isn't a quick and short little add on, this takes actual work, and if you guys don't want to read it, then just leave it be.


SAY SOMETHING USEFUL. too long didn't read doesn't help me, and just to inform you I recently shortened it to about half the orginal size, but i can't make it any shorter without leaving a bunch of abusable loopholes. if you know how to make it shorter, then help me make it shorter. tell me what isn't needed, and i will remove it.

tell me to remove it all, and I say to you screw off.

I'm trying to do something here and I don't need you people being rude.

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