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READ BEFORE POSTING: Ten Ways To Be A Good Pop Culture Card Maker (With Examples From SGY)

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I think it's unfair to say that there is nothing that can be done with them. Yes' date=' en effect mosnter is more fun, but there is such a thing as too much effects. I mean, do you think Dark magician would be a "better"(Better meaning more fun) card if it hade an effect?

[b']Better doesn't mean more fun in YGO, it means more useful. And even using your flawed definition of better, DM is horrifyingly boring to play. I mean, it doesn't even do anything.[/b]


If a card is fun, then that is good, it is more fun then it is even better. How fun the card is does not effect how usefull it is, but there is no flaw in calling a 'fun' card a 'good' card.(Better can mean more than one thing, and in this case I spesefyed that I meant more fun)

And even if you are right, and my version of better is flawed, there is no point in saying it.


I don't think so' date=' and if you do then we simply have differenet opinions on that. [b']And yet, the facts are with me. What ought that tell you about your opinion?[/b]

Facts? What in the world are you speaking about? First of, you never provided any fact, and secondly, it is a matchzer of opinion, and there is no 'facts' or 'right/wrong' in a mather of opinion.


You can't say that one person has the wrong opinion.

(Pleast do not mix this debate up with the one below, this is Fun/boring, not Good/bad)

To use anouther related quote' date=' imitation is the highest form of plagiarism.

[b']It would be the lowest, actually.[/b]

That depends on what I mean. And even if you are right, then why bother posting it?

Besides, it's a quote, It's not my wording.


Yes' date=' I see your argument, but that part of my post was based on what I feel, and it's not that I can't find fan art, it's just that I prefer not to use fan art becaus I feel better knowing I don't have to credit anyone ells when it's my work.

[b']Suit yourself. But don't blame me when everyone hates your card pics.[/b]

Did you seriously think I would blaim you? -_-;


(Making the card' date=' and I agree, it's art, but then again, what isn't art if you go into details) [b']Plenty of things. Not among them are chess, Yu-Gi-Oh!, YCMing, and fencing. Among them are American football, Grand Theft Auto, rugby, and ruling the interwebz. Art requires skill; not everything does.[/b]

Have you heard 'it's an art' befor? You know, there is no definiton on art that people have agreed upon, I've searched the internet (dictionarys and such) for explenations of the word art, but most of them contradicted eachouther. People can call basicly anything an art and you can't disprove them becaus art itself has never been properly defined.



Necessity shouldn't hold anyone back. Don't meet expectations' date=' exceed them.

Effect Monsters are like computers; the effects are applications, which are usually as different as Calculator and FireFox, or Microsoft Word and BYOND. There are infinite possibilities as to how to play an Effect Monster, and literally no possibilities for Normal Monsters; therefore, Effect Monsters are always more potent - and original - than Normal Monsters. It's also a matter of making a good card; there are no good Normal Monsters and never will be.

PCCMing is probably the most difficult of all the arts of YCMing because it's so much more imperative to find and use a suitable effect. You have to know where to stop, as you said. However, you can and should travel far beyond necessity before you need to stop for balancing.



You speak as if you have the final say in the matter, that your opinions are absolute fact.

Maybe not, maybe so. Either way, I've been in the business for a year, and I think every good YCMer (Hunter, Yankee, etc.) and player (Crab, Atem, etc.) on the forum would agree with me.

Did you know that some years back the majority of people belived that those with darker skin tone were people with lower intelect and of lesser value? Just becaus a lot of smart guys sais so it doesn't make it true.


I've been making cards for quite some time aswell, only I didn't post on the forums and was mearly lurking. And I've been playing the game aswell, and I know some guys who have been playing since the game was made. And just becaus some is not held in high regards by you, dosen't mean they know less or aren't as good at it.


You can't say that there are no good normal monsters' date=' becaus not everyone may agree.

[b']Opinion is meaningless; it is a mindset which may or may not agree with the facts. The facts, on the other hand, agree with me. Which is better, Dark Magician or D.D. Crow? Take a look around the TCG section — if you dare — and get back to me.[/b]

Can you not see that waht you are saying is based on your opinion aswell? An your oninons is besed on your perseption of reality and sayign that you have the facts on your side is like saying that you have better perseption than everyoen ells who do not agree.


Good is a rellativ term' date=' see?

[b']Not in the metagame. Some cards (Dark Armed Dragon) have more uses than others (Demise, King of Armageddon), and are therefore better.[/b]

True, it makes them better, but it does not make the card of lesser use bad. I can't aregue that some cards are better than outhers, that would be stupid.


I for example thing that Dark magaican is a good card' date='

[b']Okay, that's just epic. DM is horribad, no deck built around him can last. Seriously. I've lost to Elemental Hero Wild Wingman, and never once let Dark Magician or his fabled support cards touch my Life Points.[/b]

Well that could for more than one reason, perhaps that one deck was better than the outher, but still, it's only better. The fact that there are better cards does not make the outher one bad, becaus good and bad are rellativ terms and they will always be.


and also normal monsters have limitless potential with suport cards.

Normal monsters have no potential' date=' support cards generate it all. And even then they fall flat (how many of you run BEWD because of Ancient Rules and Birthright? No one that knows how to play).[/b']

Yet again you are right, but miss my point.

Normal monster = no potential

Combos with normal mosnters and outher cards = potential.

The potential is generated by the suport cards, yes, but it's still there.


Btw' date=' awesome thread, I'm going to start giving all newbies likns to the thread and bumping it. [b']At least one non-player can see past Rule 2.

I didn't get this part. But if you got the impression that I don't play YGO thne you're wrong.

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I think it's unfair to say that there is nothing that can be done with them. Yes' date=' en effect mosnter is more fun, but there is such a thing as too much effects. I mean, do you think Dark magician would be a "better"(Better meaning more fun) card if it hade an effect?

[b']Better doesn't mean more fun in YGO, it means more useful. And even using your flawed definition of better, DM is horrifyingly boring to play. I mean, it doesn't even do anything.

And to answer your question, you'd better believe I would.[/b]


If a card is fun, then that is good, it is more fun then it is even better. How fun the card is does not effect how usefull it is, but there is no flaw in calling a 'fun' card a 'good' card.(Better can mean more than one thing, and in this case I spesefyed that I meant more fun) But better can't mean more fun. And the fact remains that normal monsters are the most boring cards that can possibly be invented.

And even if you are right, and my version of better is flawed, there is no point in saying it. Enlightenment, mon ami, I seek to enhance your pool of knowledge with bits of my own.


I don't think so' date=' and if you do then we simply have differenet opinions on that. [b']And yet, the facts are with me. What ought that tell you about your opinion?[/b]

Facts? What in the world are you speaking about? First of, you never provided any fact, and secondly, it is a matchzer of opinion, and there is no 'facts' or 'right/wrong' in a mather of opinion.


You can't say that one person has the wrong opinion. Yes, I can.

(Pleast do not mix this debate up with the one below, this is Fun/boring, not Good/bad) You lose both debates (WTF are you supposed to do with something that does nothing?), but this debate is actually meaningless, as whether a card is fun or boring to play has absolutely no impact on the game.

To use anouther related quote' date=' imitation is the highest form of plagiarism.

[b']It would be the lowest, actually.[/b]

That depends on what I mean. And even if you are right, then why bother posting it? Enlightenment, mon ami, I seek to enhance your pool of knowledge with bits of my own. Plagiarism is stealing someone else's work. Taking it and improving it is the lowest form, whereas stealing the original project would be the highest.

Besides, it's a quote, It's not my wording.


Yes' date=' I see your argument, but that part of my post was based on what I feel, and it's not that I can't find fan art, it's just that I prefer not to use fan art becaus I feel better knowing I don't have to credit anyone ells when it's my work.

[b']Suit yourself. But don't blame me when everyone hates your card pics.[/b]

Did you seriously think I would blaim you? -_-;


(Making the card' date=' and I agree, it's art, but then again, what isn't art if you go into details) [b']Plenty of things. Not among them are chess, Yu-Gi-Oh!, YCMing, and fencing. Among them are American football, Grand Theft Auto, rugby, and ruling the interwebz. Art requires skill; not everything does.[/b]

Have you heard 'it's an art' befor? You know, there is no definiton on art that people have agreed upon, I've searched the internet (dictionarys and such) for explenations of the word art, but most of them contradicted eachouther. People can call basicly anything an art and you can't disprove them becaus art itself has never been properly defined. There are three defined arts: art, music, and literature. All three deal with expressing yourself, but also require skill to obtain a desirable outcome. I doubt you can argue with this reasoning, but if you can, please go ahead, and I'll look forward to rebutting you.



Necessity shouldn't hold anyone back. Don't meet expectations' date=' exceed them.

Effect Monsters are like computers; the effects are applications, which are usually as different as Calculator and FireFox, or Microsoft Word and BYOND. There are infinite possibilities as to how to play an Effect Monster, and literally no possibilities for Normal Monsters; therefore, Effect Monsters are always more potent - and original - than Normal Monsters. It's also a matter of making a good card; there are no good Normal Monsters and never will be.

PCCMing is probably the most difficult of all the arts of YCMing because it's so much more imperative to find and use a suitable effect. You have to know where to stop, as you said. However, you can and should travel far beyond necessity before you need to stop for balancing.



You speak as if you have the final say in the matter, that your opinions are absolute fact.

Maybe not, maybe so. Either way, I've been in the business for a year, and I think every good YCMer (Hunter, Yankee, etc.) and player (Crab, Atem, etc.) on the forum would agree with me.

Did you know that some years back the majority of people belived that those with darker skin tone were people with lower intelect and of lesser value? Who doesn't? Just becaus a lot of smart guys sais so it doesn't make it true. But you have to admit, these guys are the masters. They practically define YCMing. Tell me their cards aren't what everyone else lives up to (myself as an exception; I'm a teacher, not a YCMer).

And you have to admit, I'm right.


I've been making cards for quite some time aswell, only I didn't post on the forums and was mearly lurking. And I've been playing the game aswell, and I know some guys who have been playing since the game was made. And just becaus some is not held in high regards by you, dosen't mean they know less or aren't as good at it. In this case, you have proven that you are not, in fact, as good as I am in balancing the YGO game and YCMing.


You can't say that there are no good normal monsters' date=' becaus not everyone may agree.

[b']Opinion is meaningless; it is a mindset which may or may not agree with the facts. The facts, on the other hand, agree with me. Which is better, Dark Magician or D.D. Crow? Take a look around the TCG section — if you dare — and get back to me.[/b]

Can you not see that waht you are saying is based on your opinion aswell? An your oninons is besed on your perseption of reality and sayign that you have the facts on your side is like saying that you have better perseption than everyoen ells who do not agree. In this case, I do. Observe:

Normal monsters have no purpose and do nothing at all, therefore wasting space in a deck that must be wholly attuned towards success. The only Normal Monster (Vanilla, not Gemini) worth running outside of Demise OTK is Elemental Hero Neos, because in a Neo-Spacian deck, any copy of a fusion-material monster is attuned to success. Other than that, no vanilla can enhance the goal of a deck with its own powers, and it therefore becomes useless.


Good is a rellativ term' date=' see?

[b']Not in the metagame. Some cards (Dark Armed Dragon) have more uses than others (Demise, King of Armageddon), and are therefore better.[/b]

True, it makes them better, but it does not make the card of lesser use bad. Yes, it does. You said it yourself: good and bad are relative terms. I can't aregue that some cards are better than outhers, that would be stupid.


I for example thing that Dark magaican is a good card' date='

[b']Okay, that's just epic. DM is horribad, no deck built around him can last. Seriously. I've lost to Elemental Hero Wild Wingman, and never once let Dark Magician or his fabled support cards touch my Life Points.[/b]

Well that could for more than one reason, perhaps that one deck was better than the outher, but still, it's only better. The fact that there are better cards does not make the outher one bad, becaus good and bad are rellativ terms and they will always be. You don't know what relative terms are, do you? I'm going to take a leaf out of Atem's book:




• adjective 1 considered in relation or in proportion to something else. 2 existing or possessing a characteristic only in comparison to something else: months of relative calm ended in April.

If good and bad are relative terms' date=' then they rely wholly on comparison to have any value whatsoever. The fact that there are better cards is the only thing that makes another bad. For example, Autonomous Action Unit is a bad card, but only because Monster Reborn is better.[/b']


and also normal monsters have limitless potential with suport cards.

Normal monsters have no potential' date=' support cards generate it all. And even then they fall flat (how many of you run BEWD because of Ancient Rules and Birthright? No one that knows how to play).[/b']

Yet again you are right, but miss my point. I do? I just said support cards don't do enough, how does that miss your point?

Normal monster = no potential

Combos with normal mosnters and outher cards = potential.

The potential is generated by the suport cards, yes, but it's still there. The only time support did anything was with Elemental Hero Neos. Tell me the name of one other vanilla worth running, and I'll disprove it. Support cards don't work for cards that can't support themselves.


Btw' date=' awesome thread, I'm going to start giving all newbies likns to the thread and bumping it. [b']At least one non-player can see past Rule 2.

I didn't get this part. But if you got the impression that I don't play YGO thne you're wrong. I am under that impression due to the fact that you are supporting Normal Monsters, which no good player would do.

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You certainly have a strange point of view. The good YCMers — the artists — know that they have to improve the game with every card they make.


Thanks :D .


Ok just a question here but how are people improving the game with Pop culture cards they are never going to get used in the real game. I suppose if your serious you could print them out or something but even then they are only going to be used by u in RL. The game won't change in anyway by the making of these cards.


What you want and what is good aren't necessarily the same thing. Wouldn't you want to run your favorite character in your Deck?


I would but it wouldn't matter to me whether it was normal or effect.


In which case one would have to look at the facts and re-evaluate. Possibly you could explain to the other person your reasoning. If someone's opinion is flawed' date=' it is wholly meaningless. Only fact is real. Opinion can be with it or against it.[/b']


It is easy to say facts are always right but each persons interpritation of those facts can lead in very different directions. Any effect that is made even one that has been explained may be considered bad or good based on each opinion.


Ah' date=' but how many of us can make a truly powerful Dark Armed Synchro deck? Not me. It is almost impossible to fill 40 card spaces with completely streamlined effect cards. If that is no challenge, I don't know what is.[/b']


I guess so but i wanted a different challenge. I do make decks with no normal monsters but its the decks with normals that i realy find challenging.

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You certainly have a strange point of view. The good YCMers — the artists — know that they have to improve the game with every card they make.


Thanks :D .


Ok just a question here but how are people improving the game with Pop culture cards they are never going to get used in the real game. I suppose if your serious you could print them out or something but even then they are only going to be used by u in RL. The game won't change in anyway by the making of these cards.


It's the art of YCMing. Besides' date=' there's always YVD.[/b']


What you want and what is good aren't necessarily the same thing. Wouldn't you want to run your favorite character in your Deck?


I would but it wouldn't matter to me whether it was normal or effect.


No Normal Monster has a place in a Deck; even in Demise OTK' date=' the Normal Monsters exist only to be sent to the Graveyard.[/b']


In which case one would have to look at the facts and re-evaluate. Possibly you could explain to the other person your reasoning. If someone's opinion is flawed' date=' it is wholly meaningless. Only fact is real. Opinion can be with it or against it.[/b']


It is easy to say facts are always right but each persons interpritation of those facts can lead in very different directions. Any effect that is made even one that has been explained may be considered bad or good based on each opinion.


Again, a certain opinion may be flawed. Someone who finds Solemn Judgment a bad card would find their opinion proven wrong when their critical strategy is brought grinding to a halt. Someone who finds Normal Monsters useful in any way outside fodder for Fusions or ARA would be proven wrong when their effect-less monsters are powerless to stop an effect-driven onslaught of enemies.


Ah' date=' but how many of us can make a truly powerful Dark Armed Synchro deck? Not me. It is almost impossible to fill 40 card spaces with completely streamlined effect cards. If that is no challenge, I don't know what is.[/b']


I guess so but i wanted a different challenge. I do make decks with no normal monsters but its the decks with normals that i realy find challenging. Such as Aitsu and Sand Stone.



17 cards that have 10 or more stars (besides Obelisk)


1. Slifer the Sky Dragon

2. Winged Dragon of Ra

3. Dragon Master Knight

4. Five-Headed Dragon

5. Yubel

6. Yubel- Terror Incarnate

7. Yubel- The Ultimate Nightmare

8. Uria' date=' Lord of Searing Flames

9. Raviel, Lord of Phantasms

10. Hammon, Lord of Striking Thunder

11. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

12. Rainbow Dragon

13. Rainbow Dark Dragon

14. The Wicked Dreadfoot

15. The Wicked Eraser

16. The Wicked Avatar

17. UFOroid Fighter


The idea is good, but I just wanted to point out that there are pleanty of cards out there with 10 stars or more out there.



Just because they exist, doesn't mean they're necessarily good. None of the mentioned cards are competitive, par example.


In other news... BUMPSTICK.

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It's the art of YCMing. Besides' date=' there's always YVD.[/b']


Yes i realise to be considered one of the better card makers people expect great effects but what about the people who are content at just being good. People who are ok with just being good may not wish to put so much effort into their cards or may not have the time to create a good, charector fitting, unique effect. This would not just be the person being lazy it would be that they just have better or even just other things to do.


BTW i think i know what YVD is but im not sure can u just say please.


No Normal Monster has a place in a Deck; even in Demise OTK' date=' the Normal Monsters exist only to be sent to the Graveyard.[/b']


The place of any card in your deck is what u make it.


Again' date=' a certain opinion may be flawed. Someone who finds Solemn Judgment a bad card would find their opinion proven wrong when their critical strategy is brought grinding to a halt. Someone who finds Normal Monsters useful in any way outside fodder for Fusions or ARA would be proven wrong when their effect-less monsters are powerless to stop an effect-driven onslaught of enemies.[/b']


Any opinion is just the persons conclusion that they have drawn from facts. Facts are solid but the interpritation of them can be very flexible. Besides any1 who has the opinion that solemn judgement is great may have themselves proven wrong when they find they only have 1000 LP left.


Such as Aitsu and Sand Stone.


I've never used them realy.

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It's the art of YCMing. Besides' date=' there's always YVD.[/b']


Yes i realise to be considered one of the better card makers people expect great effects but what about the people who are content at just being good. People who are ok with just being good may not wish to put so much effort into their cards or may not have the time to create a good, charector fitting, unique effect. This would not just be the person being lazy it would be that they just have better or even just other things to do.

In which case they would not be a YCMer, in the same way that someone who doodles when they're bored in school isn't an artist.


BTW i think i know what YVD is but im not sure can u just say please.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual Desktop. It's possible to play with fake cards online there.


No Normal Monster has a place in a Deck; even in Demise OTK' date=' the Normal Monsters exist only to be sent to the Graveyard.[/b']


The place of any card in your deck is what u make it.

Decks are streamlined, efficient pieces of work. A Normal Monster is like a satellite dish placed for no reason on a fighter jet.


Again' date=' a certain opinion may be flawed. Someone who finds Solemn Judgment a bad card would find their opinion proven wrong when their critical strategy is brought grinding to a halt. Someone who finds Normal Monsters useful in any way outside fodder for Fusions or ARA would be proven wrong when their effect-less monsters are powerless to stop an effect-driven onslaught of enemies.[/b']


Any opinion is just the persons conclusion that they have drawn from facts. Facts are solid but the interpritation of them can be very flexible. Besides any1 who has the opinion that solemn judgement is great may have themselves proven wrong when they find they only have 1000 LP left.

Life points don't matter until they hit zero. If used correctly, Solemn will force the opponent into a situation where 1000 LP is like 8000.


Such as Aitsu and Sand Stone.


I've never used them realy.

Then what would you consider a challenge?

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You simply don't get it, so I'm going to stop trying.

However, for the sake of my own sanity, I have to respond to some tings in your post.


If a card is fun' date=' then that is good, it is more fun then it is even better. How fun the card is does not effect how usefull it is, but there is no flaw in calling a 'fun' card a 'good' card.(Better can mean more than one thing, and in this case I spesefyed that I meant more fun) [b']But better can't mean more fun. And the fact remains that normal monsters are the most boring cards that can possibly be invented.[/b]

Yes it can. The purpes of a card is that it's suposed to be fun to use, and if it is very seccessfull at that, then it's a good card. And saying that monster cards are boring then that's your opinipon. If a card is fun or not depends on one thing, people's opinions wich are as you yourself have said irrellevant.


And even if you are right' date=' and my version of better is flawed, there is no point in saying it. [b']Enlightenment, mon ami, I seek to enhance your pool of knowledge with bits of my own.[/b]

There is no point in that either.


Facts? What in the world are you speaking about? First of' date=' you never provided any fact, and secondly, it is a matchzer of opinion, and there is no 'facts' or 'right/wrong' in a mather of opinion.


You can't say that one person has the wrong opinion. [b']Yes, I can.[/b]

Well then you're not to bright.


(Pleast do not mix this debate up with the one below' date=' this is Fun/boring, not Good/bad) [b']You lose both debates (WTF are you supposed to do with something that does nothing?), but this debate is actually meaningless, as whether a card is fun or boring to play has absolutely no impact on the game.[/b]

Of cource I'm losing both debats, becaus when arguing with you, reson is meaningless. I was thinking of explaining to you why normal monster could be fun, but there is simply no point since you don't seem to listen at all.


That depends on what I mean. And even if you are right' date=' then why bother posting it? [b']Enlightenment, mon ami, I seek to enhance your pool of knowledge with bits of my own. Plagiarism is stealing someone else's work. Taking it and improving it is the lowest form, whereas stealing the original project would be the highest.[/b]

Besides, it's a quote, It's not my wording.

You're trying to tell me what I'm tryign to say. That's just epic.


Have you heard 'it's an art' befor? You know' date=' there is no definiton on art that people have agreed upon, I've searched the internet (dictionarys and such) for explenations of the word art, but most of them contradicted eachouther. People can call basicly anything an art and you can't disprove them becaus art itself has never been properly defined. [b']There are three defined arts: art, music, and literature. All three deal with expressing yourself, but also require skill to obtain a desirable outcome. I doubt you can argue with this reasoning, but if you can, please go ahead, and I'll look forward to rebutting you.[/b]

There is no definition of art. Haven't you heard, there are still 'experts' arguing over what is and what isn't art.


Btw, what is this suposed to mean?

"There are three defined arts: art, music, and literature"

One of the three defined arts is art? Sounds... Strage.


Did you know that some years back the majority of people belived that those with darker skin tone were people with lower intelect and of lesser value? Who doesn't?

Those familier with reality?


Just becaus a lot of smart guys sais so it doesn't make it true. But you have to admit' date=' these guys are the masters. They practically define YCMing. Tell me their cards aren't what everyone else lives up to (myself as an exception; I'm a teacher, not a YCMer).

And you have to admit, I'm right.[/b']

I can edmit they are really good. They can't define making cards. Making cards defines itself. YCMing is to make cards, simpel as that.

And by the way, I don't have to admit you're right, I have a chois if you haven't noticed.


I've been making cards for quite some time aswell' date=' only I didn't post on the forums and was mearly lurking. And I've been playing the game aswell, and I know some guys who have been playing since the game was made. And just becaus some is not held in high regards by you, dosen't mean they know less or aren't as good at it. [b']In this case, you have proven that you are not, in fact, as good as I am in balancing the YGO game and YCMing.

Or maby I am. You wouldn't know.


Can you not see that waht you are saying is based on your opinion aswell? An your opinions is based on your perseption of reality and sayign that you have the facts on your side is like saying that you have better perseption than everyoen ells who do not agree. In this case' date=' I do. Observe:

Normal monsters have no purpose and do nothing at all, therefore wasting space in a deck that must be wholly attuned towards success. The only Normal Monster (Vanilla, not Gemini) worth running outside of Demise OTK is Elemental Hero Neos, because in a Neo-Spacian deck, any copy of a fusion-material monster is attuned to success. Other than that, no vanilla can enhance the goal of a deck with its own powers, and it therefore becomes useless.[/b']

On those points I agree with you. There is nothing a normal monster can do that a effect mosnter can't, however, normal monsters are usually used as conditions to use better cards. Having the normal monster in your deck is a cost wich you have to pay to use some cards. An exmple would be a fusion mosnter were both of the cards is a normal monster. The normal monster isn't good in any way, but with the fusion it has a potential.


True' date=' it makes them better, but it does not make the card of lesser use bad. [b']Yes, it does. You said it yourself: good and bad are relative terms. I can't aregue that some cards are better than outhers, that would be stupid.

Let me try to visulise.

I may think that 20000 is a high number while you think that 20000 is a low number, you think that 100000 is a high number. Just becaus there are higher numbers doesn't mean 20000 is a low number.


Well that could for more than one reason' date=' perhaps that one deck was better than the outher, but still, it's only better. The fact that there are better cards does not make the outher one bad, becaus good and bad are rellativ terms and they will always be. [b']You don't know what relative terms are, do you? I'm going to take a leaf out of Atem's book:




• adjective 1 considered in relation or in proportion to something else. 2 existing or possessing a characteristic only in comparison to something else: months of relative calm ended in April.

If good and bad are relative terms' date=' then they rely wholly on comparison to have any value whatsoever. The fact that there are better cards is the only thing that makes another bad. For example, Autonomous Action Unit is a bad card, but only because Monster Reborn is better.[/b']

Good point. I didn't even have a responce at firt. But as long as there are worse cards, and ther are, they are still good compared to those cards.


Yet again you are right' date=' but miss my point. [b']I do? I just said support cards don't do enough, how does that miss your point?[/b]

I know that there are no such cards strong enought to make it worth using, but I'm talking about the potential. There could be an incredibly good suport card for a normal monster, I could make one. The card I make may be bad YCMing, but my point is that there is potential.


Normal monster = no potential

Combos with normal mosnters and outher cards = potential.

The potential is generated by the suport cards' date=' yes, but it's still there. [b']The only time support did anything was with Elemental Hero Neos. Tell me the name of one other vanilla worth running, and I'll disprove it. Support cards don't work for cards that can't support themselves.[/b]

There are no current vanilla worth running, but there could be, that's why I say ther is potential.


I didn't get this part. But if you got the impression that I don't play YGO then you're wrong. I am under that impression due to the fact that you are supporting Normal Monsters' date=' which no good player would do.[/b']

Well then I supose you've made a false asumption. And I'm not saying there are any good vanillas, I wouldn't dream of puting one of them in my deck.

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In which case they would not be a YCMer' date=' in the same way that someone who doodles when they're bored in school isn't an artist.[/b']


Can i just say here that the title is Nine ways to be a good Pop culter card maker, not a great, not a master a good card maker. A person is a card maker once they make a card, how good they are depends on how well they make their cards.


Also for a note alot of "doodles" in school look alot better than alot of Art these days. I'm always amazed that some1 will buy a painting that looks like some1 just threw paint at it (and in some cases thats all they did).


Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual Desktop. It's possible to play with fake cards online there.


Thats what i thought iv never used it i'd have to see how it works before i can make any comments on it.


Decks are streamlined' date=' efficient pieces of work. A Normal Monster is like a satellite dish placed for no reason on a fighter jet.[/b']


Not a very good choice to compare it to realy, most jet fighters have satelite and radio equipment to help track it, but i get your point. A normal monster in your deck is still placed their for your purpose, if you don't have a reason to use a normal monster by all means don't but their is no fact that there is no place for a normal monster because many people just give up on them before finding a way for them to be useful. I rarely see decks even using normal monsters because near enough every1 sees them as useless before even trying them.


Life points don't matter until they hit zero. If used correctly' date=' Solemn will force the opponent into a situation where 1000 LP is like 8000.[/b']


Life points matter before 0. To only have 1000 especialy to early can easily be deadly as 1 lucky attack or 1 spell or trap can then finish you off.


Then what would you consider a challenge?


Quite a few things but specificly in this game new and creative decks some thing that no1 has done and the most obvious was normal monsters.

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In which case they would not be a YCMer' date=' in the same way that someone who doodles when they're bored in school isn't an artist.[/b']


Can i just say here that the title is Nine ways to be a good Pop culter card maker, not a great, not a master a good card maker. A person is a card maker once they make a card, how good they are depends on how well they make their cards. In my eyes, if it's not art, it's terrible. Hopefully that explains the title. I can't stand mediocre cards.


Also for a note alot of "doodles" in school look alot better than alot of Art these days. I'm always amazed that some1 will buy a painting that looks like some1 just threw paint at it (and in some cases thats all they did). Oh, sorry, did I say modern art? I meant like the difference between a few scribbles and Starry Night.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Virtual Desktop. It's possible to play with fake cards online there.


Thats what i thought iv never used it i'd have to see how it works before i can make any comments on it.


Decks are streamlined' date=' efficient pieces of work. A Normal Monster is like a satellite dish placed for no reason on a fighter jet.[/b']


Not a very good choice to compare it to realy, most jet fighters have satelite and radio equipment to help track it I said no reason., but i get your point. A normal monster in your deck is still placed their for your purpose, if you don't have a reason to use a normal monster by all means don't but their is no fact that there is no place for a normal monster because many people just give up on them before finding a way for them to be useful. People have: Advanced Ritual Art. I rarely see decks even using normal monsters because near enough every1 sees them as useless before even trying them. It's because they are. They can't do anything except be these big blocks in front of your Life Points.


Life points don't matter until they hit zero. If used correctly' date=' Solemn will force the opponent into a situation where 1000 LP is like 8000.[/b']


Life points matter before 0. To only have 1000 especialy to early can easily be deadly as 1 lucky attack or 1 spell or trap can then finish you off. As I said earlier, correct use of Solemn Judgment will force the opponent into a situation where it's impossible to pull off even one attack.


Then what would you consider a challenge?


Quite a few things but specificly in this game new and creative decks some thing that no1 has done and the most obvious was normal monsters.

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In my eyes' date=' if it's not art, it's terrible. Hopefully that explains the title. I can't stand mediocre cards.[/b']


Then that would be your opinion but according to you opinion is meaningless. The way i see it is their are mant levels of cards and i would assume many people work in the same way as most cards get rated out of 10.


Oh' date=' sorry, did I say modern art? I meant like the difference between a few scribbles and [i']Starry Night[/i].


You didnt specify what kind of art so it was very open to interpritation. Also peoples opinions still differ on art i guess its personal opinion which is best.


I said no reason.

People have: Advanced Ritual Art.

It's because they are. They can't do anything except be these big blocks in front of your Life Points.


Ok first sorry i must have skimmed past that part. Second as you said that normal monsters used here have no use except to send to the graveyard this isnt using them properly also this only proves they have discovered a use for 1 card to bring out an effect monster which still isnt using the normal cards in any real way. Finaly third i still wouldn't say that is all they can do but even a big block in front of your life points can save you for long enough to draw some good cards.


As I said earlier' date=' correct use of Solemn Judgment will force the opponent into a situation where it's impossible to pull off even one attack.[/b']


Yes but even the best prepared stratergy can be destroyed by a lucky draw or a card you did not expect and lets face it you can't cover every thing that might happen.

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So it's follow your 'rules' or your an idiot? Lol' date=' I guess it isn't wrong to think like that. I have but one little tip, use your common sense YGO noobs. :)



Some of these rules are bull and others should have exceptions, but I guess I agree with him on most like the hero always beating the villain.

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So it's follow your 'rules' or your an idiot? Lol' date=' I guess it isn't wrong to think like that. I have but one little tip, use your common sense YGO noobs. :)



Some of these rules are bull and others should have exceptions, but I guess I agree with him on most like the hero always beating the villain.


Some of these rules are bull? Elaborate.

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So it's follow your 'rules' or your an idiot? Lol' date=' I guess it isn't wrong to think like that. I have but one little tip, use your common sense YGO noobs. :)



Some of these rules are bull and others should have exceptions, but I guess I agree with him on most like the hero always beating the villain.


Some of these rules are bull? Elaborate.


Whoops, I thought it over well I was posting and was gonna take out the bull part because those ones just really needed exceptions and were good rules. I guess I forgot to.

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So it's follow your 'rules' or your an idiot? Lol' date=' I guess it isn't wrong to think like that. I have but one little tip, use your common sense YGO noobs. :)



Some of these rules are bull and others should have exceptions, but I guess I agree with him on most like the hero always beating the villain.


Some of these rules are bull? Elaborate.


Whoops, I thought it over well I was posting and was gonna take out the bull part because those ones just really needed exceptions and were good rules. I guess I forgot to.


Still, elaborate. Rule #2 is effective and has yet to be disproven, so don't complain about that.

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So it's follow your 'rules' or your an idiot? Lol' date=' I guess it isn't wrong to think like that. I have but one little tip, use your common sense YGO noobs. :)



Some of these rules are bull and others should have exceptions, but I guess I agree with him on most like the hero always beating the villain.


Some of these rules are bull? Elaborate.


Whoops, I thought it over well I was posting and was gonna take out the bull part because those ones just really needed exceptions and were good rules. I guess I forgot to.


Still, elaborate. Rule #2 is effective and has yet to be disproven, so don't complain about that.

#1 and #2


Yeah, fake-types shouldn't be done in most cases, unless you intend to create an entirely different universe of cards where all the real ones no longer exist.


And Normal Monsters alone peeve me off, but making support cards for them makes them rather interesting.

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