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READ BEFORE POSTING: Ten Ways To Be A Good Pop Culture Card Maker (With Examples From SGY)

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It was interesting to read, and I agree on most of it, but I do have some points were I dissagree. I don't think there is anything wrong with normal monsters as long as thay are original. There isn't much original that can be done with a normal monster, but sometimes it's the suport cards that makes a monster what it is, and in those cases an effect for the mosnter might not be nessecary.


Also, about official art, I prefer to use official art, since I won't have to make sure to credit anyone besides the ones who made the game to begin with. This is becaus it feels like I'm ripping someones work if I use there pictures without there alowance.(And asking everyone for there allowance would jsut be redicules becuas it would be a waste of everyoens time)

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It was interesting to read' date=' and I agree on most of it, but I do have some points were I dissagree. I don't think there is anything wrong with normal monsters as long as thay are original. [b']That's just it; normal monsters are unoriginal.[/b] There isn't much original that can be done with a normal monster Nothing, to be precise., but sometimes it's the suport cards that makes a monster what it is, and in those cases an effect for the mosnter might not be nessecary. Ah, but good YCMers go beyond what is necessary. Never use necessity as your boundaries; the only justifiable boundary is your own imagination.


Also, about official art, I prefer to use official art, since I won't have to make sure to credit anyone besides the ones who made the game to begin with. This is becaus it feels like I'm ripping someones work if I use there pictures without there alowance.(And asking everyone for there allowance would jsut be redicules becuas it would be a waste of everyoens time) As long as you're crediting them, you're honoring them. To use a related quote, imitation is the highest form of flattery, and what is imitation but repetition? You're repeating their work, merely placing it into yours as a similar, and hopefully equally or more magnificent, piece of art. After all, YCMing is an art.

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That's just it; normal monsters are unoriginal.

Ah' date=' but good YCMers go beyond what is necessary. Never use necessity as your boundaries; the only justifiable boundary is your own imagination.[/b']


Ok first normal monsters would not be unorigonal if every1 follows this guide and doesent make them (ok theres probably a better way to say that).

Second what is necessary is a boundary because to go beyond what is necassary can easily lead to an overpowered monster or an effect that no longer fits the charector. I think that is a case of knowing where to draw the line tho.

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That's just it; normal monsters are unoriginal.

Ah' date=' but good YCMers go beyond what is necessary. Never use necessity as your boundaries; the only justifiable boundary is your own imagination.[/b']


Ok first normal monsters would not be unorigonal if every1 follows this guide and doesent make them (ok theres probably a better way to say that).

Second what is necessary is a boundary because to go beyond what is necassary can easily lead to an overpowered monster or an effect that no longer fits the charector. I think that is a case of knowing where to draw the line tho.


Necessity shouldn't hold anyone back. Don't meet expectations, exceed them.

Effect Monsters are like computers; the effects are applications, which are usually as different as Calculator and FireFox, or Microsoft Word and BYOND. There are infinite possibilities as to how to play an Effect Monster, and literally no possibilities for Normal Monsters; therefore, Effect Monsters are always more potent - and original - than Normal Monsters. It's also a matter of making a good card; there are no good Normal Monsters and never will be.

PCCMing is probably the most difficult of all the arts of YCMing because it's so much more imperative to find and use a suitable effect. You have to know where to stop, as you said. However, you can and should travel far beyond necessity before you need to stop for balancing.

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It was interesting to read' date=' and I agree on most of it, but I do have some points were I dissagree. I don't think there is anything wrong with normal monsters as long as thay are original. [b']That's just it; normal monsters are unoriginal.[/b] There isn't much original that can be done with a normal monster Nothing, to be precise., but sometimes it's the suport cards that makes a monster what it is, and in those cases an effect for the mosnter might not be nessecary. Ah, but good YCMers go beyond what is necessary. Never use necessity as your boundaries; the only justifiable boundary is your own imagination.


Also, about official art, I prefer to use official art, since I won't have to make sure to credit anyone besides the ones who made the game to begin with. This is becaus it feels like I'm ripping someones work if I use there pictures without there alowance.(And asking everyone for there allowance would jsut be redicules becuas it would be a waste of everyoens time) As long as you're crediting them, you're honoring them. To use a related quote, imitation is the highest form of flattery, and what is imitation but repetition? You're repeating their work, merely placing it into yours as a similar, and hopefully equally or more magnificent, piece of art. After all, YCMing is an art.


I think it's unfair to say that there is nothing that can be done with them. Yes, en effect mosnter is more fun, but there is such a thing as too much effects. I mean, do you think Dark magician would be a "better"(Better meaning more fun) card if it hade an effect? I don't think so, and if you do then we simply have differenet opinions on that.


To use anouther related quote, imitation is the highest form of plagiarism. Yes, I see your argument, but ¨that part of my post was based on what I feel, and it's not that I can't find fan art, it's just that I prefer not to use fan art becaus I feel better knowing I don't have to credit anyone ells when it's my work.(Making the card, and I agree, it's art, but then again, what isn't art if you go into details)

That's just it; normal monsters are unoriginal.

Ah' date=' but good YCMers go beyond what is necessary. Never use necessity as your boundaries; the only justifiable boundary is your own imagination.[/b']


Ok first normal monsters would not be unorigonal if every1 follows this guide and doesent make them (ok theres probably a better way to say that).

Second what is necessary is a boundary because to go beyond what is necassary can easily lead to an overpowered monster or an effect that no longer fits the charector. I think that is a case of knowing where to draw the line tho.


Necessity shouldn't hold anyone back. Don't meet expectations, exceed them.

Effect Monsters are like computers; the effects are applications, which are usually as different as Calculator and FireFox, or Microsoft Word and BYOND. There are infinite possibilities as to how to play an Effect Monster, and literally no possibilities for Normal Monsters; therefore, Effect Monsters are always more potent - and original - than Normal Monsters. It's also a matter of making a good card; there are no good Normal Monsters and never will be.

PCCMing is probably the most difficult of all the arts of YCMing because it's so much more imperative to find and use a suitable effect. You have to know where to stop, as you said. However, you can and should travel far beyond necessity before you need to stop for balancing.


You speak as if you have the final say in the matter, that your opinions are absolute fact. You can't say that there are no good normal monsters, becaus not everyone may agree. Good is a rellativ term, see? I for example thing that Dark magaican is a good card, and also normal monsters have limitless potential with suport cards.


Btw, awesome thread, I'm going to start giving all newbies likns to the thread and bumping it.

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Yep. I just forgot to update that bit.


It was interesting to read' date=' and I agree on most of it, but I do have some points were I dissagree. I don't think there is anything wrong with normal monsters as long as thay are original. [b']That's just it; normal monsters are unoriginal.[/b] There isn't much original that can be done with a normal monster Nothing, to be precise., but sometimes it's the suport cards that makes a monster what it is, and in those cases an effect for the mosnter might not be nessecary. Ah, but good YCMers go beyond what is necessary. Never use necessity as your boundaries; the only justifiable boundary is your own imagination.


Also, about official art, I prefer to use official art, since I won't have to make sure to credit anyone besides the ones who made the game to begin with. This is becaus it feels like I'm ripping someones work if I use there pictures without there alowance.(And asking everyone for there allowance would jsut be redicules becuas it would be a waste of everyoens time) As long as you're crediting them, you're honoring them. To use a related quote, imitation is the highest form of flattery, and what is imitation but repetition? You're repeating their work, merely placing it into yours as a similar, and hopefully equally or more magnificent, piece of art. After all, YCMing is an art.


I think it's unfair to say that there is nothing that can be done with them. Yes, en effect mosnter is more fun, but there is such a thing as too much effects. I mean, do you think Dark magician would be a "better"(Better meaning more fun) card if it hade an effect?

Better doesn't mean more fun in YGO, it means more useful. And even using your flawed definition of better, DM is horrifyingly boring to play. I mean, it doesn't even do anything.


I don't think so, and if you do then we simply have differenet opinions on that. And yet, the facts are with me. What ought that tell you about your opinion?


To use anouther related quote, imitation is the highest form of plagiarism.

It would be the lowest, actually.

Yes, I see your argument, but that part of my post was based on what I feel, and it's not that I can't find fan art, it's just that I prefer not to use fan art becaus I feel better knowing I don't have to credit anyone ells when it's my work.

Suit yourself. But don't blame me when everyone hates your card pics.

(Making the card, and I agree, it's art, but then again, what isn't art if you go into details) Plenty of things. Not among them are chess, Yu-Gi-Oh!, YCMing, and fencing. Among them are American football, Grand Theft Auto, rugby, and ruling the interwebz. Art requires skill; not everything does.

That's just it; normal monsters are unoriginal.

Ah' date=' but good YCMers go beyond what is necessary. Never use necessity as your boundaries; the only justifiable boundary is your own imagination.[/b']


Ok first normal monsters would not be unorigonal if every1 follows this guide and doesent make them (ok theres probably a better way to say that).

Second what is necessary is a boundary because to go beyond what is necassary can easily lead to an overpowered monster or an effect that no longer fits the charector. I think that is a case of knowing where to draw the line tho.


Necessity shouldn't hold anyone back. Don't meet expectations, exceed them.

Effect Monsters are like computers; the effects are applications, which are usually as different as Calculator and FireFox, or Microsoft Word and BYOND. There are infinite possibilities as to how to play an Effect Monster, and literally no possibilities for Normal Monsters; therefore, Effect Monsters are always more potent - and original - than Normal Monsters. It's also a matter of making a good card; there are no good Normal Monsters and never will be.

PCCMing is probably the most difficult of all the arts of YCMing because it's so much more imperative to find and use a suitable effect. You have to know where to stop, as you said. However, you can and should travel far beyond necessity before you need to stop for balancing.


You speak as if you have the final say in the matter, that your opinions are absolute fact.

Maybe not, maybe so. Either way, I've been in the business for a year, and I think every good YCMer (Hunter, Yankee, etc.) and player (Crab, Atem, etc.) on the forum would agree with me.

You can't say that there are no good normal monsters, becaus not everyone may agree.

Opinion is meaningless; it is a mindset which may or may not agree with the facts. The facts, on the other hand, agree with me. Which is better, Dark Magician or D.D. Crow? Take a look around the TCG section — if you dare — and get back to me.

Good is a rellativ term, see?

Not in the metagame. Some cards (Dark Armed Dragon) have more uses than others (Demise, King of Armageddon), and are therefore better.

I for example thing that Dark magaican is a good card,

Okay, that's just epic. DM is horribad, no deck built around him can last. Seriously. I've lost to Elemental Hero Wild Wingman, and never once let Dark Magician or his fabled support cards touch my Life Points.

and also normal monsters have limitless potential with suport cards.

Normal monsters have no potential, support cards generate it all. And even then they fall flat (how many of you run BEWD because of Ancient Rules and Birthright? No one that knows how to play).


Btw, awesome thread, I'm going to start giving all newbies likns to the thread and bumping it. At least one non-player can see past Rule 2.

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Necessity shouldn't hold anyone back. Don't meet expectations' date=' exceed them.

Effect Monsters are like computers; the effects are applications, which are usually as different as Calculator and FireFox, or Microsoft Word and BYOND. There are infinite possibilities as to how to play an Effect Monster, and literally no possibilities for Normal Monsters; therefore, Effect Monsters are always more potent - and original - than Normal Monsters. It's also a matter of making a good card; there are no good Normal Monsters and never will be.

PCCMing is probably the most difficult of all the arts of YCMing because it's so much more imperative to find and use a suitable effect. You have to know where to stop, as you said. However, you can and should travel far beyond necessity before you need to stop for balancing.


[b']Maybe not, maybe so. Either way, I've been in the business for a year, and I think every good YCMer (Hunter, Yankee, etc.) and player (Crab, Atem, etc.) on the forum would agree with me.[/b]

Opinion is meaningless; it is a mindset which may or may not agree with the facts. The facts, on the other hand, agree with me. Which is better, Dark Magician or D.D. Crow? Take a look around the TCG section — if you dare — and get back to me.

Not in the metagame. Some cards (Dark Armed Dragon) have more uses than others (Demise, King of Armageddon), and are therefore better.

Okay, that's just epic. DM is horribad, no deck built around him can last. Seriously. I've lost to Elemental Hero Wild Wingman, and never once let Dark Magician or his fabled support cards touch my Life Points.

Normal monsters have no potential, support cards generate it all. And even then they fall flat (how many of you run BEWD because of Ancient Rules and Birthright? No one that knows how to play).

At least one non-player can see past Rule 2.


Ok iv just been reducing the size of that quote can you please stop printing on the last quote its making it to big to read properly. Thanks.


Now down to buisness. First off i see your point in a way but these cards are not for Meta game or any game most of the time they are just for the fun of seeing your favorite charectors on a yu-gi-oh card at least thats how i see it. I still think they should be the best that you can make them but if you want to make a normal monster for some (obviously not all) of your monsters then that should be considered ok. Secondly opinion is not meaningless it is how people decide how to rate the cards, i may create an effect for a monster that i think fits perfectly but another persons opinion may be that it is a horribly stupid effect that has not realtion to the charector at all. Third i think making decks with or based on normal monsters is fun it forces me to think further than a deck built on effect monsters, yes they aren't as good but its just the challenge of it that interests me.


I still think this is a good guide and i still have no problem with the other rules.

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Ok iv just been reducing the size of that quote can you please stop printing on the last quote its making it to big to read properly. Thanks.



Now down to buisness. First off i see your point in a way but these cards are not for Meta game or any game most of the time they are just for the fun of seeing your favorite charectors on a yu-gi-oh card at least thats how i see it.

You certainly have a strange point of view. The good YCMers — the artists — know that they have to improve the game with every card they make.


I still think they should be the best that you can make them but if you want to make a normal monster for some (obviously not all) of your monsters then that should be considered ok.

What you want and what is good aren't necessarily the same thing. Wouldn't you want to run your favorite character in your Deck?


Secondly opinion is not meaningless it is how people decide how to rate the cards' date=' i may create an effect for a monster that i think fits perfectly but another persons opinion may be that it is a horribly stupid effect that has not realtion to the charector at all.

[b']In which case one would have to look at the facts and re-evaluate. Possibly you could explain to the other person your reasoning. If someone's opinion is flawed, it is wholly meaningless. Only fact is real. Opinion can be with it or against it.[/b]


Third i think making decks with or based on normal monsters is fun it forces me to think further than a deck built on effect monsters, yes they aren't as good but its just the challenge of it that interests me.

Ah, but how many of us can make a truly powerful Dark Armed Synchro deck? Not me. It is almost impossible to fill 40 card spaces with completely streamlined effect cards. If that is no challenge, I don't know what is.


I still think this is a good guide and i still have no problem with the other rules.


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The following post is a set of rules for creating good pop culture cards. This will outline some of the most common mistakes' date=' and prevent your card from being "typical." Note that these problems are found almost exclusively in Pop Culture, though they do arise elsewhere.


Rule I.) No fake types.

Sometimes it can be hard to use one of the existing twenty-one types to describe your pop culture card. Tough luck, chief. Almost every fake PC card uses fake types ("Sith", "Elite", "Hedgehog", etc.) on YCM, and all the good card makers hate them. If you must create your own [i']subtype[/i], then go ahead, but as types have no inherent modifier, there's no excuse for making new ones. Consider the following.





As you can see, the Good example is far more plausible, and therefore good, than the bad. And the Bad example is no exaggeration; it's not uncommon for people to actually list three or four fake types in a row for no reason.


Rule II.) No Normal Monsters.

It seems tempting, I suppose, to make Normal Monsters for pop culture cards because they tell the character's backstory. In case you didn't get the message, though, Vanillas are for losers. They're even worse on YCM, because they show no creativity at all, and creativity is arguably more important than OCG. To prove my point, consider the following.





If you think the Bad example is better, get off the Internet.


Rule IIa.) If you must make Normal Monsters, don't give them painfully long descriptions.

Don't go into detail; use one or two sentences tops. I'll show you:





If you think Worse is better than Bad, go see a psychologist, and fast.


Rule IIb.) If you must make Normal Monsters, keep the ATK lower than 3000.

Blue-Eyes White Dragon is the strongest Normal Monster in the game, and it's gonna stay that way. I don't think I need examples here.

Rule IIb1.) If you must make Normal Monsters, if you're creating a Level 6 or lower monster, keep the ATK lower than 2500.

Summoned Skull is the strongest Lv6≤ monster in the game, and it's gonna stay that way. I don't think I need examples here.


Rule III.) Don't make your monsters ridiculously high level for no reason.

Too often do I find a thread in pop culture that holds cards exclusively of Level 7 and higher, with stats to match. This should not be so. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Lv6+ Goombas and Keese are commonplace among the n00bs of YCM. Considering you know how to play YGO (if you don't, learn before making cards), consider the following.





So you see, you don't really go wrong with lower levels (think the Bad is better than the Good, and you're officially an idiot).


Rule IV.) Don't arrange the power of your cards basesd on how much you like the characters portrayed.

Try and break the game with every card. If you don't like a being, don't make a card of them. I've seen people make Yoshis with 6500 ATK and, in the same set, Marios with 0. Honestly, get over your stupid biases and just make cards. I doubt examples are needed here.


Rule V.) When making a hero and a villain, don't give either one the effect that the hero wins in battle.

Okay, seriously, we know the hero always wins. That doesn't have to be portrayed in every card in the world. If you put that effect, all it shows is unoriginality and laziness. Come up with a good effect instead of just forcing the hero to come out on top; after all, your opponent can still Sakuretsu (or worse, D-Prison) you.





My sarcasm is nonexistent. Check out how much better the second Mario is than the first. And if you thought the first one was worth making, don't even get me started on Bowser.


Rule VI.) Base your effects on the character you're making.

One effect I saw for a Bowser a while back was, to give it the correct OCG "When this card is Summoned successfully, you gain 1000 Life Points." I mean, what the hell? Since when did Bowser have anything to do with healing? If you're going to make a card of someone, have the effect actually have something to do with the person. The fact that I have to even say this is really sad. To use the example above, I based the second Bowser on Super Smash Bros. Eclipse, in which he was a feral, snarling beast who took on Ganondorf and TP Link simultaneously.





There, see? The first one makes no sense, but the second one clearly references Snake's many weapons, and his uncanny espionage ability (he can see traps coming and dismantle them before they activate).


Rule VII.) If you're making ships, don't make them purely synergistic.

Oh, boy. Fanships. The base of fanfiction, and one hell of a lot of cards. Now that the Avatar ship wars are raging, you can expect a lot of shipped cards. But if you're going to make cards ship like the characters do, make it subtle. Honestly, most ship'd cards just use ATK increases to symbolize synergy. That's really pathetic, and really unoriginal. Try making it subtle. If you do, it showcases creativity and originality, proving you're not some lazy-ass who's just promoting their favorite ship.





Notice how plain and worthless the first two cards are. The second two support each other, too, but less blatantly. You can Special Summon Sonic with his own effect to inflict 500 damage, and when you draw, all your opponent gains is 100 LP. However, you can also use this effect with Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World, to do 400 damage, as well as getting a free monster, and one card (if using Sonic's effect).


Rule VIII.) Don't make Level 10 or higher monsters.

Okay, we get it. You're making a powerful monster. Still, there is no playable card in the world with 10 or more stars (with the exception of Obelisk the Tormentor), and all card makers must make playable cards. If the monster has a good Summon effect à la Cydra, or an easy one à la DAD, it's Lv5-9, guaranteed. There are no good Lv10+ monsters, so why try and break that rule?

Similarly, the ATK of your cards should never breach 3500.





This one is kind of hard to tell, but good YCMers will know the difference.


Rule IX.) Don't use official art.

This one doesn't need much explaining. Using screenshots and official art for card pics only shows off that you're too lazy to find a good image. Under some circumstances (*cough*DarthVader*cough), it's necessary and therefore acceptable, but in most cases, it's a showcase of laziness. Of course, if the official art has a background, is clearly not a shot from in-game or in-movie, has a high resolution, and is vaguely square, go ahead, but otherwise... I doubt examples are needed here.


17 cards that have 10 or more stars (besides Obelisk)


1. Slifer the Sky Dragon

2. Winged Dragon of Ra

3. Dragon Master Knight

4. Five-Headed Dragon

5. Yubel

6. Yubel- Terror Incarnate

7. Yubel- The Ultimate Nightmare

8. Uria, Lord of Searing Flames

9. Raviel, Lord of Phantasms

10. Hammon, Lord of Striking Thunder

11. Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon

12. Rainbow Dragon

13. Rainbow Dark Dragon

14. The Wicked Dreadfoot

15. The Wicked Eraser

16. The Wicked Avatar

17. UFOroid Fighter


The idea is good, but I just wanted to point out that there are pleanty of cards out there with 10 stars or more out there.

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