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Air Neos OTK

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-3- Elemental Hero Neos


-3- Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird

-3- Flying Kamikiri #1

-1- Morphing Jar

-3- Cat of Ill Omen

-3- Elemental Hero Prisma




-3- Swing of Memories

-3- Magical Mallet

-2- Upstart Goblin

-1- Heavy Storm

-1- Giant Trunade

-2- Foolish Burial

-1- Card Destruction

-3- Soul Taker




-3- Dark Cure

-1- Wall of Revealing Light

-3- Solemn Judgement

-1- Astral Barrier




-3- Elemental Hero Air Neos


The idea of the deck is to whittle down your own Life Points with Solemn, Astral Barrier and Wall while increasing your opponent's with Upstart Goblin, Dark Cure, and Soul Taker. Once the gap is sufficient enough, summon Air Neos with Contact Fusion and end the game.


(The possibilities for ATK are endless with Dark Cure, but without it, you can pump Air Neos' attack to 15325 in one go, considering you've exhausted the two Goblins, three Soul Takers, Wall for 7000 and three Solemns.)


Let me know what you think!

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It has numerous draw engines to escape the plotholes of dead draws.

It runs three Solemns and three Soul Takers. That way, most stuff gets negated, and it has good removal.

Plus, I packed in a bit of S/T removal as well.

First turn, set Kamikiri and Wall.

Your opponent summons a monster to attack Kamakiri. You summon Hummingbird, then pay 7000 for Wall.

Draw into Prisma and S/T removal.


Hell, even setting two Solemns works. You can Solemn their monster if you have Hummingbird already, and summon Prisma into Neos for 6500 Air Neos. If they try to Bottomless, Solemn it, 8500 Neos. That's already game.


Plus, the Upstart Goblins and Soul Takers only help the situation out.



I haven't tested this out because I don't have the cards. This was an idea.

I wish I had the cards, though...:S

(Especially the 3 Prisma :P)

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im sure instaed


gift card > dark cure

o oversoul > swng of memories

hand destruction > magical mallet


+1 upstart goblin


also atral barrrier is a horrific dead draw




and sangan and snipe hunter


so neg 2 cats i also dont see the point in foolish burial id say use reasoning

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