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OK, I time when I was at Traget and i found a PSV pack on the floor with no price tag or nothing on it because it was form a bigger box deal. It was opened it and found a shiny new buster blader now I was about to keep it b4 is thoguth of the guilt i would have if i did. So i gave it to the cashier and out ****. :(


A.) Would of kept the card ?

B.) Should I have ?

C.) What are the rules to "pre-opened" packs ?

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heres my rule if its over 10 $ worth of a card don't even think about it i have done this once and only one and yet i still have a clean conceits. and besides i don't think they would have noticed if you had taken one booster pack because the 10,000+ in side the store

and one more thing i am not a crook

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