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Darkness dragon deck


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traps and spells x29


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heavy storm x1

negate attack x1

trap hole x1

the dragon's bead x1

magic cylinder x1

lightning vortex x1

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stamping destruction x1

burst breath x1

jar of greed x1

change of heart x1

threatening roar x1

xing zhen hu x1

pinapple blast x1

reverse trap x1

sebek's blessing x1

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straight flush x1

rare gold armor x1

pot of greed x1

compulsory evacuation device x1

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gift of the mystical elf x2

card destruction x1


monsters x12


koumori dragon x1

kyru x1

rare metal dragon x1

chaos emperor dragon-envoy of the end x1

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lord of d. x1

blackland fire dragon x1

gravi-crush dragon x1

white-horned dragon x1

curse of dragon x1

red-eyes b. chick x1

red-eyes darkness dragon x1

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