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LOCK PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Desu the Blue Nerd

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Manouno: That Zero... last time i saw him he was...well...different.


*walks over to the headmasters dorm*

*knok knok knok*


Headmaster: yes how can i help you

Manouno: yes, im one of the funders for the school and you are surely aware about this being the last year of the academy

Headmaster: unfortunately, but why are you here?

Manouno: looking back at this place, i'm prepared to make a deal with the school, there will be a tournament, my team aggenst your school. if these students are as good as they look than you are a lucky man. If the winner is of the school you keep it up and running for years to come, if not, than the school closes a month after.

Headmaster: and if we refuse?


Manouno: ........ than it closes down next week. I'll give you till the end of the week to think about it, k

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"Hmm. The DA twerps are a fiesty little bunch, but in time, they will come to pass. I think it's time I show myself to the little nutshells." the mysterious man says, walking in the forest, just coming to find Zero and another DA twerp dueling. "Interesting." He says, stopping in his path to watch the duel.

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for a few weeks, blake had been stopping at ports in his little row boat. he was out in the open sea until he finally saw duel academy in the distance. he hardly seemed happy. 'master, you should be happy, all that beniegn rowing will finally pay off' said an unknown voice. 'stay out of this divinity, and you too destiny, if i wanted the opinion of a ghost, i'd ask for it' he said. 2 large knights, one in white armour and the other in gold appear in the row boat, they looked sadly at their master.


he rowed for the next half hour and he finally reached a dock, he gets out, grabs his pitchfork and looks around. 'this is what all those kids talk about? a school to teach you to duel, how sad' he said, moving into the nearby forest. he gets to the slifer dorm and watches two of the schools students dueling. 'tch, typical inferiority complexes' he mutters, looking at a DA pamphlet. 'obelisk is highest, and slifer is lowest....slifers have untapped potantial, so squalid living spaces gives them the ability to find it' he reads. he looks at himself. 'i do wear blue, maybe i might be able to mingle as an obelisk, free-loading can be amusing, but i must not forget my mission, destroy DA' he mutters as walks out into the open.

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