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Wicked Zombies


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Deck: 41


Monsters: 19


3| The Wicked Eraser

3| Destiny Hero - Malicious

1| Il Blud


3| Zombie Master

3| Mezuki

3| Goblin Zombie

3| Pyramid Turtle


Spells: 17


3| Book of Life

3| Allure of Darkness

2| Hand Destruction

2| Card of Safe Return

2| Foolish Burial

2| Burial from a Different Dimension

1| Brain Control

1| Heavy Storm

1| Monster Reborn


Traps: 5


3| Solemn Judgment

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

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-3 Wicked Eraser

-1 Ryu Kokki

-2 Creature Swap


+3 Goblin Zombie

+1 Il Blud

+2 Burial from a Different Dimension


I think he wanted to make a Deck using The Wicked Eraser.


Anyway, no Zombie World?

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I don't understand why you would want to use the Wicked Eraser. It's a -2 to get him out, and its effect relies on your opponent having cards, which disappear once you attack with TWE.


All in all, not worth sending 2 Zombie Masters and a Pyramid Turtle to the Graveyard for.


Maybe if you ran 3 Goblin Zombie and Il Blud it would be more advantageous (tribute Goblin Zombies, get Zombie Master/Il Blud/Spirit Reaper to the hand.)

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Guest Chaos Pudding

If this is constructed' date=' it's fine.

If it's conceptual, IL BLUD NAO. ^.^b



Il Blud isn't an auto-inclusion in every Zombie deck, you know...

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I just figured out a HUGE flaw about this deck, The Wicked Avatar conflicts with Zombie World -.-"


Also, sammer_13: All monsters on the field and in the Graveyard are treated as Zombie-Type monsters. No monsters can be Tribute Summoned, except Zombie-Type monsters.


Yeah, need to drop Zombie Worlds -.-


Also, Chaos, the point of this Deck is to get out Eraser, then use his nuke effect, (will be good if Mezuki is in Grave already) use Mezukis effect, SS a Zombie (Zombie Master possibly, or sth else) then use his effect or remove another Mezuki, who knows, you should get the idea now.

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Yeah' date=' really. TT and Mirror are much more important than those, but still, you shouldnt even be running the wicked thing at all.



I know I know, but the thing is that, this is a fun Deck, that's all, and not IRL.

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