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The Last Warrior from Another Planet: Discussion

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“"Zombyra the Dark" + "Maryokutai"

When this card is Special Summoned, destroy all monsters on your side of the field except this card. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, neither player can Normal Summon, Flip Summon, or Special Summon any monster[/align]


Whats your idea about this card? I wouldnt mind making a deck around it actually. Discuss

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Bad card is bad.


Wow, that's a great arguement.


I suppose a Deck could be built around it, maybe something with Gravity Bind and Wave-Motion Cannon.


Not a bad card.

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May have been viable when Metamorphosis was not banned, as an interesting option for LV7.

Also as an alternative Jowegen for Last Turn OTK just for the heck of it.


Let's talk about his ingame flavour text instead.

An armored warrior that won't quit his fight to guard his planet. However' date=' he is the last being alive in his world.




That's why he's the last warrior...

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Eh, can make a lock with Intervention. But then you need to pull him out and get out your trap face-up, even then a simple monster killer and the combo's dead. Also, almost decent pieces; Maryo isn't that good, they attack first and use the spell after. Zombyra is a warrior (RotA) (WRA) but he's slow and his effect makes him worse.

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Guest PikaPerson01

Good if Spell & Traps didn't exist.


How the crap would you summon it then?


He meant because s/t monster destruction exist. >_>

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