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Most Detailed Card Contest ENDS IN 20 DAYS!!!!!!

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1stPRIZE=3Rep and 15PTs

2ndPRIZE=2Rep and 10PTs

3rdPRIZE=1Rep and 5PTs





There is UNLIMITED entries but only 3 winners to win u must have perfect spelling good OCG a good card pic and if the card goes with a set then put the set down









Have Fun

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"SymbolSword123", please don't triple post. You should use the "Edit" selection at the bottom-right hand corner of your post(s) if you want to edit it (or them). Anyway, here's my old faithful:


Effect:This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is Summoned, select 1 unoccupied Spell & Trap Card Zone on your opponent's side of the field. Each time this card inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points, select an empty Spell & Trap Card Zone. As long as this card remains face-up on your side of the field, your opponent cannot Set Spells & Traps in the zones selected by this effect. When this card is removed from the field, destroy cards that you control, or decrease your Life Points by 1000 for each zone selected by this card's effect.[/align]


Thank you for considering this card! :mrgreen:

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ya don't triple post please

i'm in this here mah card:


This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Releasing 1 "Chimeratech Overdragon" you control. This card can attack a number of your opponent's monsters equal to the number of Fusion Material Monsters used for the Fusion Summon of the "Chimeratech Overdragon" used to Special Summon this card. When a Machine-Type monster is Summoned, place 1 Cyber Counter on this card. You can remove 3 Cyber Counters from this card to Special Summon 3 Machine-Type monsters from your hand or Graveyard, except "Chimeratech Overdragon". When a Spell Card is activated that activation is negated and this card loses 500 ATK and DEF. During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent.


Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork of my card

New and Old OCG was used like Release-Tribute

Mah card is detailed

good Luck to Everyone in this contest


Hope You Liked IT ^_^

- [(~CMY~)]

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Umm i got a good card and it belongs to a set ill just put up a link to it so i dont have to take up space ^.^


100289na6.jpgThis card cannot be Normal Sumonend or Set this card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 5 cards on your side of the field and by removing from play all spell and trap cards in your Graveyard from play. When this card is Special Summoned sucselfully Your opponent must Special Summon 5 cards from your graveyard, the monsters Special Summoned by this affect cannot change positians and cannot attack, monsters Special Summoned by this afect cannot be used as Tributes for a monster or be used to Specail Summon a monster. When a monster Special Summoned by this cards effect is destroyed as a resault of battle inflict dammage to your opponents Life Points equal to the attack of the destroyed monster.



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Effect: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by removing from play 3 monsters you control. When this card is Special Summoned, discard any number of cards, and activate effects based on the number of cards discarded. •1+: Both players discard all cards in their hands. •2+: Destroy all Spell and Trap Cards on the field. •3+: Destroy all other monsters on the field. This card is destroyed during the End Phase.


This card is part of a set that I made based on Harpies.

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