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All my Dr Who cards. (UPDATE- Omega (12), Auton Chair, Vervoid, Mara and Master (13)

The Tin  Trooper

What is your favourite Doctor Who story? (FOR CLASSIC FANS ONLY)  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. What is your favourite Doctor Who story? (FOR CLASSIC FANS ONLY)

    • The Daleks
    • The Ice Warriors
    • The Sea Devils
    • The Abominable Snowmen
    • Tomb of the Cybermen
    • Brain of Morbius
    • Terror of the Vervoids
    • Attack of the Cybermen
    • The Happiness Patrol
    • Genesis of the Daleks
    • Battlefield
    • The TV Movie
    • Keys of Marinus
    • Dalek Invasion of Earth
    • Fury from the Deep
    • The 3 Doctors
    • The 5 Doctors
    • The 2 Doctors
    • The Invasion of Time
    • Earthshock

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Okay! I've talked about some of your cards already, now I have time to do a longer review for those I haven't yet.


[spoiler=An Unearthly Child]

1st Doctor: I would put the names of the cards you can search for on the same line, separated with commas. Also, I don't know what you mean when you say "And vise versa" To me it means "Or by playing the 2nd Doctor you can Special Summon "Regeneration"" But that doesn't make any sense.


Susan Foreman & Barbara Wright: "Life Points" and "Deck" are capitalized. They should say "equipped with" not "equipped to" also, you don't need to say "bonus" just "gains 1000 ATK" is fine.


TARDIS: Did you realize you have two showing? I still think that instead of blocking the field spell card zone, you should have it return to your hand or deck, or at least give it an effect while there. Also, I realized that if you don't want it to be destroyed, what happens when a monster it is equipped to is destroyed? As far as grammar, "Card" is capitalized when it follows "Spell," "Trap," or "Monster." "Graveyard" is always capitalized. You did well cutting out needless words, but it can still be reduced. I may be able to help if its effect makes sense.


Time Jump: Just making sure you're going to change it. :)


Radiation Detector: The second part of the effect is useless. It's a normal spell card, so it's going to be destroyed anyway.


Episode 001: TARDIS cannot be destroyed by its own effect anyway.



[spoiler=The Daleks]

Skaro: Change summon to Special Summon. Capitalize "-Type." And again, you shouldn't say "bonus." Also, this card is overpowered. As long as you have a lot of Dalek-Type monsters in your deck, you get a 2500+ ATK monster every turn!


Dalek City: Change "Dalek-type cards" to "Dalek-Type monsters," change "Thal-type monsters" to just "Thal monsters"


Alydon: capitalize Summoned, and cut out "back down," just say "reduced to its original ATK and DEF"


Dalek Manipulator Arm: OCG would be "This card can only be equipped to a Dalek-Type monster. Increase the ATK of the equipped monster by 1000. The equipped monster can attack while it is in Defense Position."


Dyoni, Ganatus, Temmosus: "targeted" doesn't sound right. Maybe "... must attack this card." or even "... cannot select another monster as an attack target" ? And it should be "Dalek-Type monster" The game seems to only use "card" to refer to itself, "monster" for other monsters.


Dalek Gunstick: "This card can only be equipped to a Dalek-Type monster. The ATK of the equipped monster is increased by 1000. The equipped monster can attack twice in one turn." Possibly too powerful.


Captured and Deactivated: remove quotes around both times you say "Dalek," changing the first to "Dalek-Type," the second can just be "monster."


The Mutated Claw of a Dalek: "Dalek" should be "Dalek-Type," no quotes. Tokens are always face-up. And it should be "(Dalek-Type/DARK/3 Stars/ATK 1200/DEF 0)"


Episode 002: only during the turn it is activated? If it's a field-trap, doesn't it stay on the field? So now it's blocking a field zone having no effect?



[spoiler=Edge of Destruction]

Everyone's an Enemy: Uhm... I don't think you can target a monster on your own side of the field...


Episode 003: same thing. And "at loggerheads" ... I've never heard that expression before in my life.



[spoiler=Marco Polo]

Tegana: This time I know what you mean, but you still shouldn't use Vice-Versa. Be specific.


Kublai Khan: I would rearrange it. "If "Marco Polo" ... otherwise..."


Ping Cho: It's spelled "Chinese"



[spoiler=The Keys of Marinus]

Yartek: The card is "Brain of Morphoton" You either need to change the name in this card's effect, or change the actual card name. Also, the end is redundant. You can even reduce it by just saying, "...not affected by card effects."


Judges of Millenius: Change the first two sentences to "Whenever a monster you control is destroyed, roll a die." I really like this card's effect, by the way.



[spoiler=The Aztecs]

Yetexa: Is there a reason its card effect is not incorporated in the card? Why not give the card one name and give it a ridiculous 4500 ATK to start with?


Tonila: Overpowered. A real Yu-Gi-Oh! card, Enraged Muka Muka also has 5 stars, but it starts at only 1200 ATK, and only gains 400 ATK per card.



[spoiler=The Sensorites]

"Those alien Sensorites. They all look alike." lol.


Pick a Hostage: Singular of dice is die. Possibly change first sentence to "Select 1 monster your opponent controls. Equip it with this card. (This card is treated as an Equip Card)" Definitely change "equip it to this card" to "equip it with this card" in both places.



[spoiler=The Reign of Terror]

The Dark Corridors of the Bastille: Why not just remove from play? Replace "when a monster destroys another monster" with "when a monster is destroyed by battle."



[spoiler=Planet of Giants]

Bite-size TARDIS: if it cannot be destroyed, you might want to make it a continuous trap.


Taking Notes: You might want to make it a trap, or remove the "this card can only be activated" part, in case they only ever want to see it on their turn, when you can't play spell cards.




Good luck with your quest for cards from every story!

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