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Biggest LOL at a tourny?

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what was the funniest thing that ever happened to you at a tourny? Mine was

I was matched up against a 5 year old kid (this was regionals) and I used trap dustshot, he revealed his hand except for 1 card, he wont show me the card after I let him read dustshot's effect, I call a judge, he reveals it to be The Winged Dragon of Ra, I LOLed so much!!!


2nd funniest - This 10 or 11 year old was dueling my friend, and my friend was PWNing his crystal beast and this kid was like, wait til I get my rainbow dragon! My friend was liek, "what does it do?" the kid was like, I dont remember but it has 4000 atk! my friend started laughing so hard, the kid summoned 2 rd his next turn and my friend torrentialled them! the next turn my he summoned another 1 and my friend mirror forced it!!!

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2nd funniest - This 10 or 11 year old was dueling my friend' date=' and my friend was PWNing his crystal beast and this kid was like, wait til I get my rainbow dragon! My friend was liek, "what does it do?" the kid was like, I dont remember but it has 4000 atk! my friend started laughing so hard, the kid [b']summoned 2 rd his next turn and my friend torrentialled them![/b] the next turn my he summoned another 1 and my friend mirror forced it!!!


I hope your friend had two TT's.


On-topic: Have never been to a tourney.

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id say when I was watching a match where it was to see who was winning the tourny. The LP score was like 800 to 2200. The guy whos winning atks directly with a disk commander, being as the other guy has no field. Its now 2200 to 200. The guy whos winning decides to give the other guy 2 turns. After the second turn the kid sets card and ends. Next turn the guy with the disk attacks for game, mirror force. Next Turn the other guy reborns Jinzo for game XD. It was halarous to see the guys face.

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Not in tourney: it was 700/8000 (lol i had 8000), he activates last turn. I bring out Poison Cloud, he brings out Dark Magician. Poison Cloud destroyed Magician with effect, he lost 800 (0/5500). LOL he should've looked at my decklist before we played, and he'd know I had 2 (1 was in my graveyard)


On-topic: Haven't had one at a tournament

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This happened at lollocals.


My opponent in the first round tried to equip Lightning Blade on a Beast-Warrior. I said LB could only be equiped to a Warrior, and he said "But it's a warrior type too!" I expained.


This happened to be the card shop's owner's son, BTW.

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lolocals, kid had a crush card but his whole deck sucked, while i was playing him he was playing a ds and humming, and pretty much me running MM back then just abused normal MM tactics for the win, every time i made him mad it was funny as hell

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For me; playing a kid imitating yugi, who played normal spells on my turn and had a lot of banned cards. He also asked people that were about to beat him for an extra turn because he thought the heart of the cards would give him the card he needed, he never did xD


For a friend; playing against a kid who had 5-6 Air Hummingbird in his deck, and thinking it was legal.

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The biggest LOL at a tourney I have ever seen(I forgot about this) is when someone went up to the front tables where 3 judges and 2 other people(people running the regionals). He tries to grab like $150ish dollars worth of merchandise and runs out with it. This overweight judge catches up to him and tackles him. The guy who tried to steal the stuff got banned from yugioh but got away someone(the guy got all the stuff back).


Or the time when some kid got wicked pissed and threw a chair at a judge because of bad ruling. He also got banned.

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