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Image Contest 01 **FINISHED!


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So I decided it's about time I started my own contest. So here it is:


Your job is to create a card using one of the images given. It can be any kind of card, Monster, Magic etc. It just has to be using one of the images.



1. One card is preffered, but you can create up to three cards (One per image)

2. Your card must be realistic

3. The set I.D must be 'TIC'

4. Circulation must be 'Limited Edition'

5. All cards must be in by August 3rd, 1PM(tentatively) (Mountain Time)

6. You may edit the image as much as you want, but the image must still be recognizable.



1st Place: 3 Reps + 30 Points, Place Banner

2nd Place: 2 Rep + 20 Points, Place Banner

3rd Place: 1 Rep + 10 Points, Place Banner

Most Creative: 1 Rep, Place Banner

Most Realistic: 1 Rep, Place Banner

Best Interpretation: 1 Rep, Place Banner

Other: Participation Banner


And now, finally, the Images you must use (3 Different images):

Image 01

Image 02

Image 03

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Entry Reserved. Cards coming soon.





1400 / 900

While this card is on the field, both players can only activate the effects Continuous Spell Cards.


Rulings: No other type of Spell Card, any Trap Card or Monster Card effect can be activated while this card is on the field. This does not negate Monster Effects like Sangan, Jinzo, Gearfreid the Iron Knight, Cyber Dragon, Most D-Hero's, some Volcanics. etc. It does stop the effects of Monarch's, Demise, Samurai's, Crystal Beasts, E-H Stratos, Flip Monster Effect etc.






1800 / 500

When this monster is Normal Summoned, you can select 1 Continuous Spell in your graveyard, and add it to your hand. Your opponent can only attack this monster if there is a face-up "Spell Stretcher" monster on your side of the field. When this monster is removed from the field, you can destroy 1 Continuous Spell Card.

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Name : Dancing Embers

Effect : This card can only be equipped to a FIRE attribute monster. As long as this card is on the field, the equipped monster cannot be targeted by the attack of your opponent's monsters. When this card and the monster it was equipped to is destroyed, you may equip this card to another FIRE attribute monster on the field at the cost of discarding one FIRE attribute monster from your hand to the graveyard.

Image : Number 3

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