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Kingdom Hearts RP:A new Organization XIII,and a new Keyblade master

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Out of nowhere, Rulo appears, pushing both Haruki and Xara to the ground. "Stop! What on earth are you guys doing here? This is supposed to be a private island." Rulo says, mainly to Haruki "If you don't leave in the next 5 minutes, I'll be forced to kill you both!!" Rulo yells at the top of his voice, turning to face Xara in the process.

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Role: Organization XIII

Weapon:Black chain sword

Limits: Darkness chains, ice wings, ice chain sword, ice blast

Apperence: sukishotargetnights4150gm.jpg


Bio: The loner of organization XIII, tends to eradicate heartless alone instead of with the org, but on occasion or when something big occurs, will eradicate heartless or any threat with the org

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Jaze was on his regular night patrol around traverse town as he jumped atop of a roof and sat there looking out at the whole traverse town. "whats that" said Jaze as he stood up and jumped across to another roof as he ran on that roof to the end of it then jumped off as he was in an empty alley with shadows engulfing it as a gang of shadow heartless slowly appeared and surrounded Jaze. "Time to have some fun" Jaze then grabbed the hilt of his sword which he kept on his back and swung his sword in a circle and destroyed the first row of heartless as he rested his sword on his shoulder and chains were released from the hilt and shot out at all of the heartless destroying them. "done". Jaze put his sword on his back again as he walked through the alley trying to see if anything else suspicious was going on.

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Sky:Man what is this town.

Leon:you must be the new keyblade master,Hey my name is Leon and you have to Fight me.

Sky:I don't want to fight you.Leon tries to hit him with his Gunblade but sky reacted quickly.

Sky:I said i don'twanna fight.

Leon: to bad.Leon kept swinging and they missed but a couple of hit from the keyblade and leon was down.

Sky:How do you like that.Yuffie knocks Sky out.

Yuffie: you okay leon?

Leon:yeah?eyts bring him where we brang sora before.They both let with sky in there hands still knocked out.

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Xara looked strongly at Rulo.

"Why should we argue when we could join forces?" Xara puts his hand out greetingly.

"Hmmph." Rulo says as he connsidders the thought, and then, after a long while, he says "Alright, but I'll have to test you to see if your both worthy." Rulo says as he changes scenery to a battle field, "You both have to fight me." Rulo says as he draws his blade.

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