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Kingdom Hearts RP:A new Organization XIII,and a new Keyblade master

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It has been 15 years since Sora and Roxas passed away,a new threat has appeared,The Heartless population is growing quickly and a new Organization XIII has appeared,some new worlds appear,and some new Villians,the keyblade has found a new master,which side will you choose,you can either be a keyblade master,a heartless,or in the Organization(max 13 members)



1:You can make more than 1 character

2:No double posting

3:No god-moding


4:you can also include if you would like to wield 2 keyblades,if you are a keyblade master.

5:There is only 1 keyblade master,if you want to be a keyblade master you must be a good RP-er.



Entry Form:


Role: (Keyblade master,Masters Assistant,Side character,Heartless,Member of Organization XIII)


Limits: (4 max,not if you are a heartless):



Forms: (2 max)(only if your are one of the Keybearers):




Name:Erax ("The Key to darkness")

Role: Organization XIII Member #7

Weapon:Keyblade "Enter the darkness"

Limits: (4 max,not if you are a heartless):"Arcanas Wish","Valhalla","Dark Veil","Serenity of solence"



Forms: (2 max)(only if your are one of the Keybearers):Arcana (surrounded by black fire becomes resistant to fire based attacks but is weaker against water and ice attacks)

Bio:He is a nobody from the past keybearer,he is also one of the new Organization XIII members,he is number 7,he is one of the best fighters in the Organization,and he is second in command.He is helping the new keyblade master to find the keyblade.

Created by Archangel of destiny



role:keyblade master


limitsVery Happyevils reian,angel strike,jugdement time,and dragons fire

apperence:short black spikey hair,black jeans,white shirt,black sneakers,and a bracelet of friendship.


formsVery Happyevil(dark) form and angel(light)form

bio:he is the keyblade master with a weird past but hes normal he the best fighter in his little town destiney island(sora wasent here).

Created by Akon


Name: Rulo Grund

Role: Orginazation XIII Member #13

Weapon: Sword and Sheath

Limits: Destin Slash, Golden Soul, Demon Soul, Cure

Apearance: Long White Hair, Black Coat, and Sleak Brown Sandals

Forms: He is Surrounded by Life Aura that Protects Him from most attacks.Lasts for 15 minutes.

Bio: He was Abbandoned at Birth, so He had to Earn all of the things in His Life with Hard Work and Dettermination. He is one of the Best in the Orginazation and is assistant Caiptain.

Meet In: Disney Kingdom

Created by yugiDADioh


Name: Xenas

Role: Organization XIII

Weapon: keyblade : Destruction of Light

Limits: Darkness reigns, darkness slash, darkness eternal, darknes imbed

Apperence: *will get pic later

Gender: male


Bio: parents died when he was of young age and his mentor raised him, his mentor taught him everthing about the darkness.

Created by ferroboy720


Name: Axis

Role: Member of Organization XIII

Weapon: Lightning Joust

Limits: Thunder Strike, Lightning Torpedo, Hellstorm Lightning



Gender: Male

Forms: (2 max)(only if your are one of the Keybearers):

Bio: He Woke Up Oneday. He Couldn't Remember Anything About Who He Was Or Where He Came From. He Joined The Orginazation And They Gave Him The Name Axis



role:number 10

weapons:two sythces death dealers

limit:reaper,shawdow ball,hyperslash,final wish

apperence:reapers jacket,and black head to toe


bio:hes a mesterious man

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hey thank


role:keyblade master


limits:devils reian,angel strike,jugdement time,and dragons fire

apperence:short black spikey hair,black jeans,white shirt,black sneakers,and a bracelet of friendship.


forms:devil(dark) form and angel(light)form

bio:he is the keyblade master with a weird past but hes normal he the best fighter in his little town destiney island(sora wasent here).

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hey heres my carecter

name: wartor

role: side charecter

wepon: blade of fallen allys

limits:soul of war spirt blade war time and choas slasher

aperence: looks like auron from kh2 but have blond hair and a black robe and blade is black and gold

forms: bersker arora forms around him and spirt mode he turn invisable for 6atks taks no damage from wepon atks but gets damaged for magic

bio: auron twin brother that hades made after auron betrayed him

meet in: netherworld kingdom

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Name: Xenas

Role: Organization XIII

Weapon: keyblade : Destruction of Light

Limits: Darkness reigns, darkness slash, darkness eternal, darknes imbed

Apperence: *will get pic later

Gender: male


Bio: parents died when he was of young age and his mentor raised him, his mentor taught him everthing about the darkness.

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Name: Rulo Grund

Role: Orginazation XIII Member #13

Weapon: Sword and Sheath

Limits: Destin Slash, Golden Soul, Demon Soul, Cure

Apearance: Long White Hair, Black Coat, and Sleak Brown Sandals

Forms: He is Surrounded by Life Aura that Protects Him from most attacks.Lasts for 15 minutes.

Bio: He was Abbandoned at Birth, so He had to Earn all of the things in His Life with Hard Work and Dettermination. He is one of the Best in the Orginazation and is assistant Caiptain.

Meet In: Disney Kingdom

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ooc: okay,let's start now and we will see if people will start to join then.

anyway here is the list of the worlds

1: Seraphim plains

2: Disney castle

3: Netherworld kingdom

4: Pirate World

5: Rose Town(this is the place where the keyblade master will get the keyblade,and meet some of his companions"

6: Twilight Castle(This is the new HQ of the Organization XIII).

more worlds will come later as the RP progresses.

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Entry Form:

Name: Axis

Role: Member of Organization XIII

Weapon: Lightning Joust

Limits: Thunder Strike, Lightning Torpedo, Hellstorm Lightning



Gender: Male

Forms: (2 max)(only if your are one of the Keybearers):

Bio: He Woke Up Oneday. He Couldn't Remember Anything About Who He Was Or Where He Came From. He Joined The Orginazation And They Gave Him The Name Axis

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