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Stop making bad hand control decks *slap*

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Monsters: 16

3x Don Zaloog

2x Thessy

3x Bountiful Artemis

2x Harvest Angel

1x Mole

1x Snipe

2x Dark Dragon Lord

1x Sangan

1x Reaper


Spell: 9

3x Shrink

1x Reborn

1x Prem

2x LV

1x Storm

1x Brain Control


Traps: 16

2x Magic Drain

3x Solemn

3x Bribe

3x Wrath

1x Force

1x TT

1x Dustshoot

1x Mind Crush

1x CCV

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Nice deck ^^

But I suggest you try to fit in CCV next time. I think I've created one Hand Advantage once which includes that card.


+1 Mind Crush in side deck in case your opponent is using lots'o RotAs, Stratos', GB search thingy or just with Trap Dustshoot.


magic drain lol


Magic Drain seemed like a bad card to me too when I was a newb.


But it's very good, especially for this deck.

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Monsters: 17

3x Don Zaloog

2x Thessy

3x Bountiful Artemis

2x Harvest Angel

1x Mole

1x Snipe

2x Dark Dragon Lord

2x Honest

1x Reaper


Spell: 9

3x Shrink

1x Reborn

1x Prem

2x LV

1x Storm

1x Brain Control


Traps: 15

2x Magic Drain

3x Solemn

3x Bribe

3x Wrath

1x Force

1x TT

1x Dustshoot

1x Mind Crush


in hand control decks isnt it better to gain hand control at the cost of ur opponent losing hand control than u drawing more than them?

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-2 Honest




You should try that.

It'll have 2 targets, you could Shrink your own monster, there's a chance that you Brain Control a target, or you can just use it as discard fodder for Wrath.

It's really better than it sounds.

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