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A great card to finish off a duel with no cost!!!

Purple Dinosaur

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Lol this card will be rarely used until u find a way to always make your life points 200 and bellow rarely unlikey but' date=' still possible



Well...it's not that you need to make you life points go down but that you let yourself take quite some damage so that your opponent thinks you are gonna lose next move and when he/she attacks...kill his monsters with that spell card and make a BIG comeback if the duel is not ended...

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A bit Last Turn type' date=' right?

Lol.... it's isnt overpowered, though. Cuz when do you have 200 Live Points left?


So 7/10. Nice pic.


The reason it is kinda like Last Turn is cuz I thought of that card and its unique effect...I got inspired and Made a card with an effect that no other card does.

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