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A Deck among decks!


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Hey! Now before you move on I would like to say that I am ot rich and I gt all cards in here from trading with my friends and packs! I do not order off the internat to get my cards!


Lightsworn(2/0) Dino remove

Lightsworn(1/2)Evil hero

Lightsworn(2/0)Luck deck


Lightsworn(1/2) remove from play

Lightsworn(2/0) Semi-beatdown



My deck


x1 Judgment dragon

x1 Lyla, lightsworn sorceress

x1 Aurkus, Lightsworn Druid

x1 lumina lightsworn summoner

x3 garoth, lightsworn warrior

x3 Jain, lightsworn palidin

x3 Gragonith lightsworn dragon

x1 marshmallon

x1 treeborn frog

x1 kuraz the light monarch

x1 raiza the storm monarch

x1 mobius the frost monarch

x1 destiny hero dasher

X2 Gene-warped warwolf


x2 realm of light

x2folish burial

x2 monster reincarnation

x1 potof avarice

x1 creature swap

x1 smashing ground

x1 premature burial

x1 swords of revealing light

x1 sheld crush

x1 monster reborn

x1 painful choice

x1 MST


x2 Light spiral

x2 Saku

x1 gravity bind

x1 dark coffin

x1 soul rope

x1 the transmigration prophecy!

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