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A Contest With A Plot ~ Digital Creations

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Contest Story Plot

Several years from now in the not so distant future, a group of Archaeologists stumbled apon an ancient underground temple, this temple was quite ancient indeed, what these Archaeologists found however was remarkable. On the walls and other things were carvings of ancient Duel Monsters, however none of these Duel Monsters existed in today's modern Trading Card Game, which ment that not even Pegasus J. Crawford himself the creator of the game knew about them. However what these Archaeologists did know is that these Duel Monsters were very powerful and that there was a reason why this temple had never been found untill now.


As the group of explorers ventured deeper into the cave the carvings of these beasts seem to grow more and more fearsome as they went in deeper, the creatures grew bigger and they of course looked more powerful too. Eventually the group of Archaeologists got to the very center of this temple in which they found something they had never expected. In the center of this large and open room that seemed to be the center of this giant temple, was some kind of ancient technology that was able to resurrect these monsters into a card form. And so the Archaeologists decided to bring young duelists from all around the world in hope that with the help of these duelists they could see what these monsters and this ancient technology was all about.


Your Contest Task

Your task for this contest is to create at least THREE different and separate Digimon evolutionary lines, you must also create at least FIVE support cards for your Digimon. Please remember everything has to be realistic as well.


Contest Rulings

Must Give Your Set Of Cards A Name Such As Metal Raiders, Gravekeepers, Etc.

Must Create At Least THREE Digivolution Lines.

Must Create At Least FIVE Support Cards.

All Card Effects Must Be Realistic.

All Attack And Defense Points Must Be Realistic.

Anything That Does Not Follow The Above Will Be DISQUALIFIED.


For each VALID entry you will receive one reputation point from me. The top three prizes have not yet been decided as of yet. I have also not yet decided on a due date, but you will be informed of it once I have decided. This contest will be co-hosted by myself and God Kaze.

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Yeah, originally this was gonna be just by me, but I asked him last night about doing it together. The plot just adds some goodness to the whole thing. The concept with the temple was a mix of both an anime I used to watch where the good guys would revive monsters from disks called Monster Rancher and also the concept of Professor Hawkins and Professor Motou discovering Duel Monsters and the City of Atlantis.

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*EDITED* I've finished my entry, some of the pack numbers are a bit messed up and I couldn't find a good image for MirageGoagamon so I used his Burst Mode instead. If you don't mind, I have done a split with Veemon.

























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I guess I can do that but they will make the MB I using go higher and last time it went that big in a short amount of time I get some errors.


EDIT: Here are the rest of the cards. I re-added the cards from the other post so you don't get confused. The digivolved Digimon are non-effect monsters.The set name is Digital Protectors.

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