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The Lulz Factory - Creature Snatch

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The first in a series of decks that are cheap, and fun to run.


Monsters - 17

1x Sparkman

1x Burst

1x Avian

1x Thousand Eyes Idol

1x Stratos

1x MJ

1x Volc Rat

2x Smoke Ball

1x Ojama Black

1x Ojama Green

1x Ojama Yellow

1x Mechanical Snail

1x Snipe

1x Sangan

1x Kuriboh

1x Disc


Spells - 20

1x Trunade

1x Upstart

1x Symbols of Duty

1x Fake Hero

1x SoRL

1x Premmy

2x DWD

2x Seizure

3x Swap

1x Heavy

1x Reborn

1x Brain

1x Dragged Down into the grave (sub for DWD)

1x MST

2x Lightning Vortex


Traps - 3

1x Foolish Revival

2x Limit Reverse


r/f, needs some work.

basically, you bring out a normal and throw it at ur opp while taking a stratos or summin, then attack into the normal.

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The fact of the matter is this deck will not win regional tournaments and i would like to think any tournament for that matter becuase your only strategy it to try to give your opponent your crappy monsters and most decks are going to reck that deck and even if it was a good deck their is one card that whould work against that and thats blindly loyal goblin now most people won't side deck that unless that deck is somethin that catches on o and theirs coldwaves

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